European Storm-Petrel

European Storm-Petrel / Hydrobates pelagicus

European Storm-Petrel

Here the details of the European Storm-Petrel named bird below:

SCI Name:  Hydrobates pelagicus
Protonym:  Procellaria pelagica Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.131
Taxonomy:  Procellariiformes / Hydrobatidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bripet
Type Locality:  Restricted type locality; coast of Sweden.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Hydrobatidae; Ϯ British Storm-petrel H. pelagicus) Gr. ὑδρο- hudro-  water-  < ὑδωρ hudōr, ὑδατος hudatos  water; βατης batēs  walker  < βατεω bateō  to tread  < βαινω bainō  to walk; "The Petrel   ...  When these Birds make towards a Ship at Sea they foretell a Storm at hand, and will keep behind the Stern of the Vessel, as a Shelter for them till the Storm is over; sometimes Flying and sometimes seeming to run on the Waves with incredible Swiftness, for which reason they have given it the name of Petrel from Peter's walking on the Water" (Albin 1738); "67. Familie. Sturmvögel  ...  134. Gattung. Hydrobates.4    334. pelagica.  335. Leachii.  ...   Ueber die Unterscheidungsmerkmale dieser Gattungen, siehe Temm. manuel 2me edit. p. 802, 804, 806. Procellaria und Hydrobates unterscheiden sich überdieß badurch, daß bey ersterer die erste und bey leßterer die zwente Schwungfeder die längste ist" (Boie 1822); "Hydrobates Boie, Isis, 1822, col. 562. Type, by subsequent designation, Procellaria pelagica Linné (Baird, Brewer and Ridgway, Water Bds. No. Am., 2, 1884, p. 403)." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 72).
Var. Hydrobater.
Synon. Bannermania, Bianchoma, Cymochorea, Halobates, Halocyptena, Loomelania, Oceanodroma, Pacificodroma, Stonowa, Tethysia, Thalassidroma, Thalobata, Zalochelidon.
• (Anatidae; syn. Aythya  Greater Scaup A. marila) "Hydrobates (Anas auctt.) marilus, glacialis, clangulus," (Nitzsch 1829) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz).
• (Anatidae; syn. Biziura Musk Duck B. lobata) "HYDROBATE A FANON. HYDROBATES LOBATUS. TEMM. ...  Nous savons par des notice verbales communiquées par feu Péron que cet oiseau plonge continuellement et poursuit sa proie entre deux eaux, n'ayant le plus souvent que la tête visible et tout le corps submergé; il est farouche, et disparaît à la vue du chasseur pour reparaître à une très-grande distance de l'endroit où il s'est submergé" (Temminck 1826); "Hydrobates Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois. 68e livr. (vol. iv. pl. 406) (vol. v. p. 117), Sept. 16th, 1826.  Type (by monotypy): A. lobata Shaw & Nodder.  Not of Boie, Isis, heft v. col. 562, 1822." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 222).
Var. Hygrobates

pelagica / pelagicus
L. pelagicus  marine, pelagic  < Gr. πελαγικος pelagikos  of the sea  < πελαγος pelagos  sea.
● "21. AQUILA pelagica.  ...  Aquila marina Steller. MS.  ...  Billings, navarcho qui Oceanum inter Camtschatcam et Americam ultimo exploravit, mihi relatum.  Frequens est maxima haec avis in Insulis inter Camtschatcam et Continentem Americes, praesertim in infami naufragio et morte Beringii insula" (Pallas 1811) (Haliaeetus).
● "64. PROCELLARIA.  ...  pelagica.  1. P. nigra, uropygio albo. Fn. svec. 249. Act. Stockh. 1745. p. 93. t. . .  Peteril. Clus. exot. 368. Damp. itin. 3. p. 97. Alb. av. 3. p. 87. t. 92. Edw. av. 90. t. 90. f. 1. Hirundo marina major apus, rostro adunco. Barr. æquin. 134.  Larus minimus, naribus tubulosis. Catesb. carol. 3. p. 14. t. 14.  Fregata marina apus subtus alba, superne nigra. Barr. av. 73.  Habitat in albo Oceano." (Linnaeus 1758) (Hydrobates).
● "366. PHALACROCORAX pelagicus.  ...  Corvus aquaticus, Morskoi Uril Stell. obs. MS. Latham.  ...  Cum praecedente maris Camtschatici orientalis et Americanarum insularum incola, praesertim scopulos a continente longius remotos frequentans ubi et hybernant." (Pallas 1811) (Phalacrororax).  
● L. Pelasgica  Pelasgian, after the Pelasgi, one of the nomadic tribes of ancient Greece (cf. Attic names used for swifts and swallows); "101. HIRUNDO.  ...  pelagica.  7. H. rectricibus æqualibus apice subulatis, nudis.  Hirundo, cauda aculeata, americana. Catesb. car. 3. p. 8. t. 8.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Chaetura). 


European Storm-Petrel (British)
SCI Name: Hydrobates pelagicus pelagicus
pelagica / pelagicus
L. pelagicus  marine, pelagic  < Gr. πελαγικος pelagikos  of the sea  < πελαγος pelagos  sea.
● "21. AQUILA pelagica.  ...  Aquila marina Steller. MS.  ...  Billings, navarcho qui Oceanum inter Camtschatcam et Americam ultimo exploravit, mihi relatum.  Frequens est maxima haec avis in Insulis inter Camtschatcam et Continentem Americes, praesertim in infami naufragio et morte Beringii insula" (Pallas 1811) (Haliaeetus).
● "64. PROCELLARIA.  ...  pelagica.  1. P. nigra, uropygio albo. Fn. svec. 249. Act. Stockh. 1745. p. 93. t. . .  Peteril. Clus. exot. 368. Damp. itin. 3. p. 97. Alb. av. 3. p. 87. t. 92. Edw. av. 90. t. 90. f. 1. Hirundo marina major apus, rostro adunco. Barr. æquin. 134.  Larus minimus, naribus tubulosis. Catesb. carol. 3. p. 14. t. 14.  Fregata marina apus subtus alba, superne nigra. Barr. av. 73.  Habitat in albo Oceano." (Linnaeus 1758) (Hydrobates).
● "366. PHALACROCORAX pelagicus.  ...  Corvus aquaticus, Morskoi Uril Stell. obs. MS. Latham.  ...  Cum praecedente maris Camtschatici orientalis et Americanarum insularum incola, praesertim scopulos a continente longius remotos frequentans ubi et hybernant." (Pallas 1811) (Phalacrororax).  
● L. Pelasgica  Pelasgian, after the Pelasgi, one of the nomadic tribes of ancient Greece (cf. Attic names used for swifts and swallows); "101. HIRUNDO.  ...  pelagica.  7. H. rectricibus æqualibus apice subulatis, nudis.  Hirundo, cauda aculeata, americana. Catesb. car. 3. p. 8. t. 8.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Chaetura). 

European Storm-Petrel (Mediterranean)
SCI Name: Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis
L. Melitensis  of Malta, Maltese  < Melita or Melite  Malta.