Sichuan Jay

Sichuan Jay / Perisoreus internigrans

Sichuan Jay

Here the details of the Sichuan Jay named bird below:

SCI Name:  Perisoreus internigrans
Protonym:  Boanerges internigrans Mem.Mus.Comp.Zool. 40 p.200 pl.6
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Corvidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sicjay1
Type Locality:  Shuowlow, ''western Szechwan [= eastern Sikang].
Publish Year:  1912
IUCN Status:  


(Corvidae; Ϯ Grey Jay P. canadensis) Bonaparte 1831, considered the Grey Jay and the Siberian Jay P. infaustus allied to the nutcrackers Nucifraga and analogous to the tits Parus, and the name perhaps reflects their habit of hoarding acorns and other food  < Gr. περισωρευω perisōreuō  to heap up, bury beneath. However, Coues 1882, suggested the derivation L. peri-  very, exceedingly, and sorix, bird of augury dedicated to Saturn, the god originally placated by human sacrifice (v. infaustus), and this seems to have been reinforced by Bonaparte 1831: “Perisoreus; Nob. (*).  ...  (*) Credo bene d’istituire questo sottogenere affine alle Nucifraghe pel Corvus infaustus di Siberia, il C. canadensis d’America, ed una nuova specie Artico-Americana anche più aberrante (e per conséguenza atta a servir di tipo) totalmente cinerea. Questo nuovo gruppo offre una decisa analogia colle Cinciallegre (Parus).”; "Perisoreus Bonaparte, 1831, Giorn. Arcadico, 49, p. 42. Type, by subsequent designation (Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 37), Corvus canadensis Linnaeus." (Vaurie in Peters 1962, XV, 235).  
Var. Perisorius.   
Synon. Boanerges, Dysornithia.

L. internigrans, internigrantis  being black here and there  < inter  between; nigrans, nigrantis  black  < nigrare  to be black.