Pale-browed Tinamou

Pale-browed Tinamou / Crypturellus transfasciatus

Pale-browed Tinamou

Here the details of the Pale-browed Tinamou named bird below:

SCI Name:  Crypturellus transfasciatus
Protonym:  Crypturus transfasciatus Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.141 pl.13
Taxonomy:  Tinamiformes / Tinamidae /
Taxonomy Code:  pabtin1
Type Locality:  Santa Rosa, Manabi, Ecuador.
Publish Year:  1878
IUCN Status:  


(Tinamidae; Tataupá Tinamou C. tataupa) Dim. < genus Crypturus Illiger, 1811, tinamou; "CRYPTURELLUS, gen.nov.  We have not included in the genus Crypturus the two species C. tataupa and C. parvirostris, as we consider them to differ generically, chiefly in the formation of the bills.  In all the South-American species of the preceding genus (twenty) the nostrils are placed in the anterior half of the bill, whereas in Crypturellus they are situated in the posterior portion.  The membrane on this part is more persistent than in Crypturus and the gonys is proportionately much longer.  We propose C. tataupa (Temminck) as the type" (Brabourne & Chubb 1914); "Crypturellus Brabourne and Chubb, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (8), 14, 1914, p. 322.  Type, by original designation, "C. tataupa Temm." (= Tinamus tataupa Temminck.)" (Peters, 1931, I, p. 15).
Synon. Crypturornis, Microcrypturus, Orthocrypturus.

L. trans  across; Late L. fasciatus  banded  < L. fascia  band, stripe.