Eared Poorwill

Eared Poorwill / Nyctiphrynus mcleodii

Eared Poorwill

Here the details of the Eared Poorwill named bird below:

SCI Name:  Nyctiphrynus mcleodii
Protonym:  Otophanes mcleodii Auk 5 p.89
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Caprimulgidae /
Taxonomy Code:  earpoo1
Type Locality:  Sierra Madre of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Publish Year:  1888
IUCN Status:  


(Caprimulgidae; Ϯ Ocellated Poorwill N. ocellatus) Gr. νυκτι- nukti-  night-, nocturnal  < νυξ nux, νυκτος nuktos  night; φρυνη phrunē, φρυνης phrunēs  toad; "11. Nyctiphrynus, Bp.   41. ocellatus, Tschudi. (brasilianus? Wied nec L.)   42. nuttalli, Audub. (brasilianus? Lawr.)   43. guianensis, Gm." (Bonaparte 1857); "Nyctiphrynus Bonaparte, Riv. Contemp., 9, 1857, p. 215. Type, by subsequent designation, Caprimulgus ocellatus Tschudi. (Oberholser, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 86, 1914, p. 8, note 5.)" (Peters 1940, IV, 195).
Synon. Otophanes, Ptilonycterus.

Richard Randall McLeod (fl. 1899) US collector in Mexico 1883-1888 and Arizona 1898 (subsp. Aimophila rufescens, Nyctiphrynus).


Eared Poorwill (mcleodii)
SCI Name: Nyctiphrynus mcleodii mcleodii
Richard Randall McLeod (fl. 1899) US collector in Mexico 1883-1888 and Arizona 1898 (subsp. Aimophila rufescens, Nyctiphrynus).

Eared Poorwill (rayi)
SCI Name: Nyctiphrynus mcleodii rayi
● John Ray (1627-1705) English zoologist and celebrated author, by some considered the father of English natural history (syn. Locustella naevia, syn. Motacilla flava flavissima) (see raii).
● Milton Smith Ray (1881-1946) US field ornithologist, collector (subsp. Nyctiphrynus mcleodii, subsp. Poecile sclateri).