Crissal Thrasher

Crissal Thrasher / Toxostoma crissale

Crissal Thrasher

Here the details of the Crissal Thrasher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Toxostoma crissale
Protonym:  Toxostoma crissalis Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philadelphia 10 p.117 ?
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Mimidae /
Taxonomy Code:  crithr
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1858
IUCN Status:  


(Mimidae; Ϯ Curve-billed Thrasher T. curvirostre) Gr. τοξον toxon   bow, arch; στομα stoma, στοματος stomatos  mouth; "Genus Toxostoma, Bogenschnabel. (Genus novum.)   54. Toxostoma Vetula (species nova).  Notaeo toto e fuliginoso-cinereo, exclusa alae flexura albida et macula in apice rectricum quaternarum, externarum candida (versus rectrices interiores sensim minore); gastraeo toto albido, fusco-cinereo nubilo; rostro arcuato nigro. Adult.   Chietotottotl Hernand. Thes. p. 31. cap. 80." (Wagler 1831); "Toxostoma Wagler, 1831, Isis von Oken, 24, p. 528. Type, by monotypy, Toxostoma vetula Wagler = Orpheus curvirostris Swainson." (Davis & Miller in Peters 1960, IX, 449).
Var. Toxastoma, Taxostoma.
Synon. Antimimus, Harpes, Harporhynchus, Methriopterus.

crissale / crissalis
Mod. L. crissalis  crissal, of the vent  < crissum  vent, lower tail-coverts  < L. crissare  to copulate, “used of a certain motion of the haunches” (Coues 1882).


Crissal Thrasher (coloradense)
SCI Name: Toxostoma crissale coloradense
Colorado River, California/Arizona, USA  < Spanish colorado  red, ruddy.

Crissal Thrasher (crissale)
SCI Name: Toxostoma crissale crissale
crissale / crissalis
Mod. L. crissalis  crissal, of the vent  < crissum  vent, lower tail-coverts  < L. crissare  to copulate, “used of a certain motion of the haunches” (Coues 1882).

Crissal Thrasher (trinitatis)
SCI Name: Toxostoma crissale trinitatis
Late L. Trinitas  the Holy Trinity  < L. trini  three together  < tres  three.
● Trinidad (Spanish Isla de la Trinidad  Island of the Holy Trinity) (syn. Coereba flaveola luteola, subsp. Colaptes rubiginosus, syn. Cyanerpes caeruleus longirostris, syn. Cyclarhis gujanensis flavipectus, Euphonia, subsp. Icterus nigrogularis, subsp. Manacus manacus, subsp. Myiopagis gaimardii, subsp. Pitangus sulphuratus, subsp. Pulsatrix perspicillata, subsp. Ramphocaenus melanurus, subsp. Sakesphorus canadensis, subsp. Synallaxis albescens, subsp. Tangara guttata, subsp. Zentrygon linearis).
● La Trinidad, Benguet, northern Luzon, Philippines (syn. Ficedula hyperythra luzoniensis).
● South Trinidade I. (= Trindade), Brazil, South Atlantic Ocean (subsp. Fregata ariel, syn. Pterodroma arminjoniana).
● El Valle de la Trinidad, Baja California, Mexico (subsp. Toxostoma crissale).

Crissal Thrasher (dumosum)
SCI Name: Toxostoma crissale dumosum
L. dumosum  of the thorn-bushes  < dumus, dumi  thorn-bush.