Blue Paradise-Flycatcher

Blue Paradise-Flycatcher / Terpsiphone cyanescens

Blue Paradise-Flycatcher

Here the details of the Blue Paradise-Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Terpsiphone cyanescens
Protonym:  Zeocephus cyanescens Trans.Linn.Soc.London(2), 1 p.328 pl.48 fig.2
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Monarchidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blpfly1
Type Locality:  Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
Publish Year:  1877
IUCN Status:  


(Monarchidae; Ϯ Indian Paradise-flycatcher T. paradisi) Gr. τερψι terpsi  delighting in  < τερπω terpō  to delight; φονος phonos  murder (cf. φωνη phōnē  voice); "Muscipeta, Cuv. — Terpsiphöne, f.   Muscipeta zu ähnlich und ganz gleich bedeutend mit Muscicapa. — Terpsiphŏne (necando gaudens) — nicht Terpsiphōne (voce laeta), von ihrem schnellen, muntern Jagem nach Insekten und ihrem fröhlichen Wesen." (Gloger 1827); "Terpsiphone Gloger, 1827, in Froriep, Notizen, 16, col. 278. New name for Muscipeta Cuvier, 1817, preoccupied by Muscipeta Koch, 1816 = Acrocephalus Naumann, 1811." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 478-479).
Var. Terpsichore (Gr. myth. Terpsichore, the Muse of the dance; τερψιχορος terpsikhoros  delighting in the dance).
Synon. Callaeops, Monedula, Muscipeta, Neoxeocephus, Tchitrea, Xeocephus.

Unattested L. cyanescens, cyanescentis  dark-bluish  < cyaneus  dark-blue  < Gr. κυανεος kuaneos  dark-blue, glossy.
● ex “Alconcillo obscuro azulejo” (= ☼) of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 40 (syn. Falco femoralis).