Yellow-vented Myzomela

Yellow-vented Myzomela / Myzomela eichhorni

Yellow-vented Myzomela

Here the details of the Yellow-vented Myzomela named bird below:

SCI Name:  Myzomela eichhorni
Protonym:  Myzomela eichhorni Novit.Zool. 8 p.181
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Meliphagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  yevmyz1
Type Locality:  Kolombangara Island.
Publish Year:  1901
IUCN Status:  


(Meliphagidae; Ϯ Scarlet Myzomela M. sanguinolenta) Gr. μυζαω muzaō  to suck; μελι meli  honey; "This section forms an interesting subdivision of the present group [Meliphagidae], as marking the passage to the Cinnyridæ ...  this type of form may be generically characterized as follows, the Mel. cardinalis being the normal species.  Genus. MYZOMELA.  Rostrum breve, gracile; culmine arcuato, ad basin subcultrato; naribus longitudinalibus, linearibus, perangustis, membrana supra tectis, rostri tertiam partem longitudine æquantibus.  Lingua, alæ, pedesque iidem fere ut in Meliphagis veris.  Cauda subbrevis, æqualis" (Vigors & Horsfield 1827); "Myzomela Vigors and Horsfield, 1827, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 15, p. 318 [=316]. Type, by original designation, Meliphaga cardinalis Vigors and Horsfield = Certhia sanguinolenta Latham." (Salomonsen in Peters 1967, XII, 350).
Var. Mysomela.
Synon. Cosmeteira, Melomyza.    

Albert Frederic Eichhorn (d. 1931) Australian farmer, gold-miner, collector in New Guinea, the Bismarcks, and Solomon Is. (subsp. Accipiter albogularis, subsp. Aerodramus spodiopygius, subsp. Alopecoenas johannae, subsp. Erythrura trichroa, subsp. Leptocoma aspasia, Myiagra, Myzomela, subsp. Ninox jacquinoti, Philemon, subsp. Zoothera heinei, subsp. Zosterops griseotinctus).


Yellow-vented Myzomela (eichhorni)
SCI Name: Myzomela eichhorni eichhorni
Albert Frederic Eichhorn (d. 1931) Australian farmer, gold-miner, collector in New Guinea, the Bismarcks, and Solomon Is. (subsp. Accipiter albogularis, subsp. Aerodramus spodiopygius, subsp. Alopecoenas johannae, subsp. Erythrura trichroa, subsp. Leptocoma aspasia, Myiagra, Myzomela, subsp. Ninox jacquinoti, Philemon, subsp. Zoothera heinei, subsp. Zosterops griseotinctus).

Yellow-vented Myzomela (ganongae)
SCI Name: Myzomela eichhorni ganongae
Ganonga I. (= Ghanongga), Solomon Is.

Yellow-vented Myzomela (atrata)
SCI Name: Myzomela eichhorni atrata
atrata / atratus
L. atratus  clothed in mourning  < ater  black.
● ex “Black Vulture or Carrion Crow” of Bartram 1791 (Coragyps).
● ex “Black Swan” of Phillip 1789 (Cygnus).
● ex “Black Red-tail” of Latham 1783 (?syn. Phoenicurus ochruros).