Black-capped Woodland-Warbler

Black-capped Woodland-Warbler / Phylloscopus herberti

Black-capped Woodland-Warbler

Here the details of the Black-capped Woodland-Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Phylloscopus herberti
Protonym:  Cryptolopha herberti Bull.Br.Orn.Club 13 p.35
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Phylloscopidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bcwwar1
Type Locality:  Bakaki (= Bacake), Fernando Po.
Publish Year:  1903
IUCN Status:  


(Phylloscopidae; Ϯ Willow Warbler P. trochilus) Gr. φυλλον phullon  leaf; σκοπος skopos  seeker  < σκοπεω skopeō  to examine; "VI. Fam. Sylviadae Vigors. ...  Phylloscopus: Sylv. trochilus Lath. u.v.a.   ...   1 Von der Lebensweise dieser Vögel weiß man so viel, daß sie blühende Gewächse aufsuchen und vom Blumensaste, gewiß auch von Insecten leben. Von den Trochiliden unterscheiden sie sich hauptsächlich durch die Bildung des Schwanzes, der überhaupt schwächer, und die größere Länge der Schwungfedern, wovon man auf einen ganz verschiedenen Flug schließen darf." (Boie 1826); "Phylloscopus Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 972. Type, by monotypy, Motacilla trochilus Linnaeus." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 221).
Var. Blythoscopus.
Synon. Abrornis, Acanthopneuste, Asilus, Cryptigata, Cryptolopha, Cuculis, Culicipeta, Fanissa, Ficaria, Herbivocula, Mochthopoeus, Neornis, Oreopneuste, Phaeorhadina, Philomela, Phyllobasileus, Phyllopneuste, Pindalus, Pycnosphrys, Reguloides, Rhadina, Seicercus, Sibilatrix, Solifer, Sylvicola, Trocheligone, Trochilus, Zelica.

herberti / herbertii
● Edward Grevile Herbert (1870-1951) British businessman with Bombay-Burmah Trading Corporation, naturalist, collector (subsp. Alauda gulgula, syn. Napothera brevicaudata leucosticta, subsp. Prinia inornata, Stachyris).
● Sir Thomas Herbert, Bart. (1606-1682) English traveller and author (syn. Aphanapteryx bonasia).
● Herbert Alexander (1874-1946) English artist, author, brother of explorer Capt. Boyd Alexander (subsp. Campethera nivosa, Phylloscopus, syn. Ploceus preussi).
● Herbert Girton Deignan (1906-1968) US ornithologist (subsp. Harpactes ardens).
● Herbert Ashley Riker (d. 1937) US rubber-plantation owner in Brazil 1867-1937, naturalist (subsp. Pheugopedius coraya).


Black-capped Woodland-Warbler (camerunensis)
SCI Name: Phylloscopus herberti camerunensis
cameroonensis / camerunensis / camerunensus
Cameroons, West Africa (German Cameroon (= Kamerun) 1884-1919, when divided into French Cameroun and British Cameroons; upon independence in 1961 southern British Cameroons joined with French Cameroun to become a republic (Cameroun), and northern British Cameroons became a part of Nigeria) (Rio dos Camerões, river of prawns, the name given to the River Wouri by the Portuguese explorer Fernão do Póo in 1492).
● Mt. Cameroon, German Cameroon (subsp. Bradypterus lopesi, Pternistis).
● Between Nola and Mbaiki, French Cameroun (= Ubangi Shari) (Vidua).

Black-capped Woodland-Warbler (herberti)
SCI Name: Phylloscopus herberti herberti
herberti / herbertii
● Edward Grevile Herbert (1870-1951) British businessman with Bombay-Burmah Trading Corporation, naturalist, collector (subsp. Alauda gulgula, syn. Napothera brevicaudata leucosticta, subsp. Prinia inornata, Stachyris).
● Sir Thomas Herbert, Bart. (1606-1682) English traveller and author (syn. Aphanapteryx bonasia).
● Herbert Alexander (1874-1946) English artist, author, brother of explorer Capt. Boyd Alexander (subsp. Campethera nivosa, Phylloscopus, syn. Ploceus preussi).
● Herbert Girton Deignan (1906-1968) US ornithologist (subsp. Harpactes ardens).
● Herbert Ashley Riker (d. 1937) US rubber-plantation owner in Brazil 1867-1937, naturalist (subsp. Pheugopedius coraya).