African Blue Tit

African Blue Tit / Cyanistes teneriffae

African Blue Tit

Here the details of the African Blue Tit named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cyanistes teneriffae
Protonym:  Parus Teneriffae TraitedOrn. p. 456
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Paridae /
Taxonomy Code:  afbtit2
Type Locality:  Teneriffe, Canary Islands.
Publish Year:  1831
IUCN Status:  


(Paridae; Azure Tit C. cyanus) Gr. κυανιζω kuanizō  to be dark-blue in colour; "Blaumeise. Cyanistes*) (Parus cyaneus et coeruleus.)  E[ntwickelung]. Wie bei Parus, Acredula, Lophophanes.   Ch[arakter]. Meisen mit kurzem Schwanz und zum Theil himmelblau gefärbtem Gefieder.   L[ebensart]. Hierin ähneln sie den übrigen; sie sind Standvögel, nisten in Baumlöcher und legen viele Eier.  ...  *) κυναιζω [sic], blaulich aussehen" (Kaup 1829); "CYANISTES Kaup, 1829  M — Parus caeruleus Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1842, Appendix to a list of the Genera of Birds, p. 8)." (Dickinson and Christidis (eds.), H. & M. Complete Checklist, 4th ed., 2014, 2 (Passerines), p. 430).
Var. Cyanetes, Cyanites, Cyanistus.

tenerifae / teneriffae
Tenerife or Teneriffe, Canary Is.


African Blue Tit (palmensis)
SCI Name: Cyanistes teneriffae palmensis
La Palma, Canary Is.

African Blue Tit (ombriosus)
SCI Name: Cyanistes teneriffae ombriosus
ombriosa / ombriosus
● Gr. ομβριος ombrios  of rain  < ομβρια ombria  rain (subsp. Coracina lineata).
● Old Moorish name Ombrios for the island of Hierro, Canary Is. (subsp. Cyanistes teneriffae, subsp. Fringilla coelebs).

African Blue Tit (teneriffae)
SCI Name: Cyanistes teneriffae teneriffae
tenerifae / teneriffae
Tenerife or Teneriffe, Canary Is.

African Blue Tit (hedwigae)
SCI Name: Cyanistes teneriffae hedwigae
hedvigae / hedwigae / hedwigii
● Hedwige Gräfin Branicka née Potocka (1827-1916) mother of Polish zoologist Ksawery Graf Branicki (syn. Chlorochrysa fulgentissima, syn. Metallura eupogon).
● Hedwig Sauer-Gürth (fl. 2020) German biotechnologist, ornithologist (subsp. Cyanistes teneriffae).

African Blue Tit (degener)
SCI Name: Cyanistes teneriffae degener
L. degener, degeneris  degenerate, unworthy, ignoble  < de  away from; genus  race, kind, sort.

African Blue Tit (ultramarinus)
SCI Name: Cyanistes teneriffae ultramarinus
ultramarina / ultramarinus
Old Italian azzurro oltramarino  azure from overseas, ultramarine, lapis lazuli  < Med. L. ultramarinus  beyond the sea  < L. ultra  beyond; marinus  marine, of the sea  < mare, maris  sea.
● ex “Outre-mer” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Ultra-marine Finch” of Latham 1783 (Vidua).

African Blue Tit (cyrenaicae)
SCI Name: Cyanistes teneriffae cyrenaicae
L. Cyrenaica Cyrenia, Cyrenaica (province of North Africa (= Libya)).
● Cyrenaica Province, Libya (subsp. Sylvia hortensis).