Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Bluebird / Sialia sialis

Eastern Bluebird

Here the details of the Eastern Bluebird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Sialia sialis
Protonym:  Motacilla Sialis Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.187
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Turdidae /
Taxonomy Code:  easblu
Type Locality:  in Bermudis & America calidiore [= South Carolina].
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Turdidae; Ϯ Eastern Bluebird S. sialis) Specific name Sylvia Sialis Wilson, 1808; "SIALIA. Sw. in Zool. Journ. No. 10.  37. Sialia azurea?  Sylvia Sialis? Wilson i. pl. 3. f. 3.  Common on the Table land at Real del Monte and other places. I have some doubts whether this is not a distinct species: my specimen is of a young bird." (Swainson 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., I (May)); "SIALIA.   ...   Bill short, the base depressed, the sides compressed, culmen slightly elevated: nostrils partly hid by setaceous feathers: mouth wide, and slightly bearded" (Swainson 1827, Zool. Journ., III (September)); "Sialia Swainson, 1827, Phil. Mag., n.s., 1 (5), p. 369. Type, by monotypy [and virtual tautonymy], Sialia azurea Swainson = Motacilla sialis Linnaeus." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 83). Although famed in song and literature, the Eastern Bluebird is a declining bird of eastern North America.
Synon. Erythaca, Scyrornis, Sialis.

Gr. σιαλις sialis, σιαλιδος sialidos  unidentified bird, so-called from its cry, mentioned by Athenaeus and Hesychius; "99. MOTACILLA.  ...  Sialis.  25. M. supra cærulea, subtus tota rubra.  Rubecula dorso cæruleo. Catesb. car. I. p. 47. t. 47. Edw. av. 24. t. 24.  Habitat in Bermudis & America calidiore." (Linnaeus 1758) (Sialia).

(Turdidae; Ϯ Eastern Bluebird S. sialis) Specific name Sylvia Sialis Wilson, 1808; "SIALIA. Sw. in Zool. Journ. No. 10.  37. Sialia azurea?  Sylvia Sialis? Wilson i. pl. 3. f. 3.  Common on the Table land at Real del Monte and other places. I have some doubts whether this is not a distinct species: my specimen is of a young bird." (Swainson 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., I (May)); "SIALIA.   ...   Bill short, the base depressed, the sides compressed, culmen slightly elevated: nostrils partly hid by setaceous feathers: mouth wide, and slightly bearded" (Swainson 1827, Zool. Journ., III (September)); "Sialia Swainson, 1827, Phil. Mag., n.s., 1 (5), p. 369. Type, by monotypy [and virtual tautonymy], Sialia azurea Swainson = Motacilla sialis Linnaeus." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 83). Although famed in song and literature, the Eastern Bluebird is a declining bird of eastern North America.
Synon. Erythaca, Scyrornis, Sialis.

(Turdidae; syn. Sialia Eastern Bluebird S. sialis) Gr. σιαλις sialis, σιαλιδος sialidos  unidentified bird, so-called from its cry; "Ces deux circonstances ayant également lieu chez le Rouge-gorge bleu de l'Amérique septentrionale (Sylvia sialis), et s'y trouvant réunies à d'autres caractères de forme et d'habitudes qui avaient engagé Vieillot à en faire un Motteux, sous le nom de Ænanthe sialis, j'ai pensé que ce nouveau genres Sialis (Sialia des Anglais) devait également figurer dans ma cinquième famille.  Wilson et Vieillot disent positivement que l'espèce type, Sylvia sialis, niche dans des arbres creux et y pond des œufs d'un bleu pâle." (de La Fresnaye 1839); "Sialis (not of Latreille, 1803) Lafresnaye, Rev. Zool., 2, p. 162, 1839— type, by monotypy, Motacilla sialis Linnaeus." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 477).


Eastern Bluebird (Eastern)
SCI Name: Sialia sialis sialis/bermudensis
(Turdidae; Ϯ Eastern Bluebird S. sialis) Specific name Sylvia Sialis Wilson, 1808; "SIALIA. Sw. in Zool. Journ. No. 10.  37. Sialia azurea?  Sylvia Sialis? Wilson i. pl. 3. f. 3.  Common on the Table land at Real del Monte and other places. I have some doubts whether this is not a distinct species: my specimen is of a young bird." (Swainson 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., I (May)); "SIALIA.   ...   Bill short, the base depressed, the sides compressed, culmen slightly elevated: nostrils partly hid by setaceous feathers: mouth wide, and slightly bearded" (Swainson 1827, Zool. Journ., III (September)); "Sialia Swainson, 1827, Phil. Mag., n.s., 1 (5), p. 369. Type, by monotypy [and virtual tautonymy], Sialia azurea Swainson = Motacilla sialis Linnaeus." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 83). Although famed in song and literature, the Eastern Bluebird is a declining bird of eastern North America.
Synon. Erythaca, Scyrornis, Sialis.

Eastern Bluebird (Mexican)
SCI Name: Sialia sialis [guatemalae Group]
(Turdidae; Ϯ Eastern Bluebird S. sialis) Specific name Sylvia Sialis Wilson, 1808; "SIALIA. Sw. in Zool. Journ. No. 10.  37. Sialia azurea?  Sylvia Sialis? Wilson i. pl. 3. f. 3.  Common on the Table land at Real del Monte and other places. I have some doubts whether this is not a distinct species: my specimen is of a young bird." (Swainson 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., I (May)); "SIALIA.   ...   Bill short, the base depressed, the sides compressed, culmen slightly elevated: nostrils partly hid by setaceous feathers: mouth wide, and slightly bearded" (Swainson 1827, Zool. Journ., III (September)); "Sialia Swainson, 1827, Phil. Mag., n.s., 1 (5), p. 369. Type, by monotypy [and virtual tautonymy], Sialia azurea Swainson = Motacilla sialis Linnaeus." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 83). Although famed in song and literature, the Eastern Bluebird is a declining bird of eastern North America.
Synon. Erythaca, Scyrornis, Sialis.