Pearly-breasted Cuckoo

Pearly-breasted Cuckoo / Coccyzus euleri

Pearly-breasted Cuckoo

Here the details of the Pearly-breasted Cuckoo named bird below:

SCI Name:  Coccyzus euleri
Protonym:  Coccygus Euleri J.Orn. 21 p.72
Taxonomy:  Cuculiformes / Cuculidae /
Taxonomy Code:  pebcuc1
Type Locality:  Cantagallo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Publish Year:  1873
IUCN Status:  


(Cuculidae; Ϯ Yellow-billed Cuckoo C. americanus) Gr. κοκκυζω kokkuzō  to cry cuckoo  < κοκκυ kokku  cuckoo! the bird’s cry; “Coccyzus, said to be a misprint for Coccygus (Boie, Isis, 1826) as if the genitive of κόκκυζ, κόκκυγος. But it is probably a false latinizing of κοκκύζων = crying “Cuckoo””(BOU 1915); "40. COULICOU, Coccyzus.  Cuculus, Linn. Gm. Lath.  Bec alongé, épais à la base, long, entier, convexe en dessus, arqué, comprimé par les côtés.— Tarses plus longs que le doigt le plus long.— Ailes courtes, arrondies.   Esp. Coucou de la Caroline, Buff." (Vieillot 1816); "Coccyzus Vieillot, Analyse, 1816, p. 28. Type, by monotypy, "Coucou de la Caroline" Buffon = Cuculus americanus Linné." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 41).
Var. Coccycus, Coccygon, Coccygus, CoccyziusCoccizus, Cocizus, Coccysus.   
Synon. Coccystes, CoccyzonCureus, Erythrophrys, Hyetomantis, Hyetornis, Nesococcyx, Ptiloleptis, Saurothera, Vetula.
• (Cuculidae; syn. Coua † Snail-eating Coua C. delalandei) Perhaps from L. coclea  snail; Gr. ζαω  zaō  to live (see Cochlothraustes); "XXVI.Genre.  COUA ou COULICOU; Coccyzus, Vieill.   ...   1. COUA DELALANDE; Coccyzus Delalandi, Temm., pl. 440  ...   2. COUA DE GEOFFROY; Coccyzus Geoffroyi, Temm., pl. 7.   ...   3. COUA TAITSOU; Coccyzus cæruleus, Vieill., Gal., pl. 41.   ...   4. COUA HUPPÉ; Coccyzus cristatus, Cuv., Enl. 589." (Lesson 1831); "Coccyzus "Vieill." Lesson, 1831, Traité d'Ornithologie, p. 138 (not of Vieillot, 1816).  Type, by subsequent designation (Cabanis and Heine, 1862, Museum Heineanum, IV (1), p. 74), Coccyzus delalandi, i.e. Coccycus delalandei Temminck, 1827." (JAJ 2021).

Carl Hieronymus Euler (1834-1901) Swiss settler in Brazil 1853, Vice-Consul in Rio de Janeiro 1867-1901, amateur ornithologist (Coccyzus, Lathrotriccus, syn. Sporophila frontalis).