White-bibbed Manakin

White-bibbed Manakin / Corapipo leucorrhoa

White-bibbed Manakin

Here the details of the White-bibbed Manakin named bird below:

SCI Name:  Corapipo leucorrhoa
Protonym:  Pipra leucorrhoa Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.63 pl.10
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pipridae /
Taxonomy Code:  whbman2
Type Locality:  New Granada [= Colombia]; restricted to Bucaramanga, Santander (D. W. S.).
Publish Year:  1863
IUCN Status:  


(Pipridae; Ϯ White-throated Manakin C. gutturalis) The second part of this epithet is from Mod. L. pipo  manakin, but, in the absence of an explanation by the author, any of the following derivations for the first part could be suitable: (1) κοραξ korax, κορακος korakos  raven (i.e. black).  (2) Gr. κορη korē  maiden, nymph, puppet (see Manacus).  (3) Gr. κορη korē  shining pupil of the eye ("COROPIPO  ...  Von κορη (Pupille d. h. glänzend schwarz) und πιπω πιπρα." (Cabanis & Heine 1859)); "CORAPIPO, Schiff. — 153. gutturalis, L. (perspicillata, Wagl. fæm.)" (Bonaparte 1854); "Corapipo Bonaparte, 1854, Ateneo Italiano, 2 (11), p. 316 (= Consp. Voluc. Anisod., p. 6). Type, by monotypy, Pipra gutturalis Linnaeus." (Snow in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 264). 
Var. Coropipo.

leucorrhoa / leucorrhoea / leucorrhous
Gr. λευκος leukos  white; ορρος orrhos  rump (cf. ῥοη rhoē  flowing  < ῥεω rheō  to flow).
● ex “Golondrina rabadilla blanca” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 304 (Tachycineta).