Black-eared Cuckoo

Black-eared Cuckoo / Chrysococcyx osculans

Black-eared Cuckoo

Here the details of the Black-eared Cuckoo named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chrysococcyx osculans
Protonym:  Chalcites osculans Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt15 no.170 p.32
Taxonomy:  Cuculiformes / Cuculidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blecuc1
Type Locality:  New South Wales.
Publish Year:  1847
IUCN Status:  


(Cuculidae; African Emerald Cuckoo C. cupreus) Gr. χρυσος khrusos  gold; κοκκυξ kokkux, κοκκυγος kokkugos  cuckoo; "XXVIII. Fam. Cuculidae   ...   Chrysococcyx: Cuculus cupreus Lath. u. a." (Boie 1826); "Chrysococcyx Boie, Isis von Oken, 1826, Bd. 2, col. 977.  Type, by monotypy, Cuculus cupreus Latham = Cuculus cupreus Shaw." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 29).
Synon. Adamatornis, Adetococcyx, Lamprococcyx, Lampromorpha, Metallococcyx.

L. osculans, osculantis  kissing (i.e. close together, almost united, allied)  < osculari  to adhere closely, to kiss  < osculum  kiss  < dim. os, oris  mouth (cf. oscillans, oscillantis  swinging  < oscillare  to swing).
● “CHALCITES OSCULANS.  ...  I have applied the term of osculans to this species, because in it are united to a remarkable degree the characters of the genera Cuculus and Chalcites; but as those of the latter genus predominate, I have retained it therein.” (Gould 1847) (Chalcites).
● "HELIANTHEA OSCULANS, Gould.  ...  This new species is about the same size as H. violifera, but differs from that bird in having a stouter and longer bill, by the spot on the forehead being larger, and green instead of blue; by the tips of the tail-coverts and tail-feathers being tinged with olive-green, and by the breast being of a more brilliant green, and destitute of any crescentic greyish-white mark across the chest." (Gould 1871) (Coeligena).
● "RAMPHASTOS OSCULANS.  ...  Ramph. culminato, Gould, quam proxime accedit." (Gould 1835) (syn. Ramphastos vitellinus x R. cuminatus).
● "SERICORNIS OSCULANS, Gould.  ...  Intermediate in size between S. frontalis and S. humilis."(Gould 1847) (syn. Sericornis frontalis mellori x S. f. rosinae).