Peruvian Plantcutter

Peruvian Plantcutter / Phytotoma raimondii

Peruvian Plantcutter

Here the details of the Peruvian Plantcutter named bird below:

SCI Name:  Phytotoma raimondii
Protonym:  Phytotoma raimondii Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.71 pl.17
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Cotingidae /
Taxonomy Code:  perpla1
Type Locality:  Tumbes, Peru.
Publish Year:  1883
IUCN Status:  


(Cotingidae; Ϯ Chilean Plantcutter P. rara) Gr. φυτον phuton  plant  < φυω phuō  to grow; τομος tomos  cutting  < τεμνω temnō  to cut; "8. La Rara, Phytotoma Rara gen. nov. (2*)   ...   (2*) Phytotoma.  Rostrum conicum, rectum, serratum.  Nares ovatæ.  Lingua brevis, obtusa" (Molina 1782); "Phytotoma Molina, 1782, Saggio Stot. Nat. Chili, pp. 254, 345. Type, by monotypy, Phytotoma rara Molina." (Traylor in Peters 1979, VIII, 309). The distinctive plantcutters were formerly treated in a monogeneric family, the Phytotomidae, but are now considered allied to Zaratornis, Doliornis and Ampelion.
Var. Phytotome, Phitotoma.
Synon. Ptytotoma.

Antonio Raimondi (1826-1890) Italian naturalist, explorer resident in Peru 1850-1890 (Phytotoma, Sicalis, syn. Sicalis taczanowskii).