Three-streaked Tchagra

Three-streaked Tchagra / Tchagra jamesi

Three-streaked Tchagra

Here the details of the Three-streaked Tchagra named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tchagra jamesi
Protonym:  Telephonus jamesi Ibis p.403 pl.10 fig.2
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Malaconotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  thstch1
Type Locality:  Somaliland; ''type'' from Goolis Mts., Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., p. 630.
Publish Year:  1885
IUCN Status:  


(Malaconotidae; Ϯ Southern Tchagra T. tchagra) Based on "Tchagra" of Levaillant 1800, and Thamnophilus tchagra Vieillot, 1816; "IV.e Sous-genre. TCHAGRA; Tchagra.  Laniarius, Vieill.  Bec médiocre, élevé, fort, très-comprimé, très-crochu; tarses plus alongés. Queue assez longue, ample, arrondie et étagée; les espèces sont d'Afrique.    1.º Lanius boulboul, Shaw; Levaill., pl. 68.  Du Cap.    2.º Lanius senegalensis, Shaw; Levaill., pl. 70; le Tchagra; Lanius collurio, var., Gm.  Du Cap.    3.º Lanius bacbakiri, Shaw; Levaill., Afriq., pl. 67; Turdus ceylonus Gm.; Enl., 272. Du Cap. La femelle est vert olivâtre.    4.º Lanius barbarus, Gm.; le Gonoleck, Enl., 56. Du Sénégal." (Lesson 1831); "Tchagra Lesson, 1831, Traité d'Orn., p. 373. Type, by virtual tautonymy, "le Tchagra" Levaillant = Thamnophilus tchagra Vieillot (see Sclater, in Shelley's Birds Afr., 5, p. 361, 380)." (Rand in Peters 1960, IX, 320).
Var. Tschagra.
Synon. Harpolestes, Orthotchagra, Pomatorhynchus, Psalter, Telophonus, Tschagroides.

French onomatopoeia “Tchagra”, given to the Southern Tchagra by Levaillant 1800, pl. 70, in imitation of its incessant calls “tch tcha tcha gra” (Tchagra).

Hubert William James (1884-1974) English ornithologist, farmer in South Africa and Southern Rhodesia 1900-1974, Keeper of Oology, Queen Victoria Mus., Salisbury 1965 (subsp. Cisticola subruficapilla).
● Arthur Curtiss James (1867-1941) US patron of sciences (subsp. Melozone fusca).
● Harry Crowe James (1868-1932) US banker, businessman, Trustee of Denver Mus., sportsman (subsp. Pedioecetes phasianellus).
Henry Berkeley James (1846-1892) British businessman in Chile, ornithologist (Phoenicoparrus).
● Frank Linsly James (1851-1890) British explorer in the Sudan, Somaliland, India and Mexico (Tchagra).


Three-streaked Tchagra (jamesi)
SCI Name: Tchagra jamesi jamesi
Hubert William James (1884-1974) English ornithologist, farmer in South Africa and Southern Rhodesia 1900-1974, Keeper of Oology, Queen Victoria Mus., Salisbury 1965 (subsp. Cisticola subruficapilla).
● Arthur Curtiss James (1867-1941) US patron of sciences (subsp. Melozone fusca).
● Harry Crowe James (1868-1932) US banker, businessman, Trustee of Denver Mus., sportsman (subsp. Pedioecetes phasianellus).
Henry Berkeley James (1846-1892) British businessman in Chile, ornithologist (Phoenicoparrus).
● Frank Linsly James (1851-1890) British explorer in the Sudan, Somaliland, India and Mexico (Tchagra).

Three-streaked Tchagra (mandanus)
SCI Name: Tchagra jamesi mandanus
mandana / mandanus
Manda I., Kenya.