North Island Kokako

North Island Kokako / Callaeas wilsoni

North Island Kokako

Here the details of the North Island Kokako named bird below:

SCI Name:  Callaeas wilsoni
Protonym:  Glaucopis wilsoni Consp.Gen.Av. 1 p. 368
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Callaeidae /
Taxonomy Code:  kokako3
Type Locality:  New Zealand.
Publish Year:  1850
IUCN Status:  


(Callaeidae; Ϯ South Island Kokako C. cinereus) Gr. καλλαια kallaia  cock’s wattles; the North Island Kokako C. wilsoni has blue wattles at the base of the bill, but the wattles of the extinct South Island Kokako were orange; "23. CALLAEAS (great Wattle bird of N. Zeeland). Rostrum incurvatum, fornicatum: Paleare carunculaceum: lingua lacera, ciliata." (J. R. Forster 1788); "Callaeas Forster, 1788 (March 27), Enchiridion, p. 35. Type, by monotypy, Great Wattle Bird of New Zealand = Glaucopis cinerea Gmelin." (Amadon in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 157). 
Var. Calloeas.
Synon. Glaucopis.

Gr. καλλαια kallaia  cock’s wattles.
● "CRYPTORHINA.  ...  5. C. Callaeas.  Unicolor ardesiaco-cinerea, capistro nigro; palea utrinque ad mandibulae basin, margine rotundata, flava, macula basi coerulea notata; rostro pedibusque nigris; cauda cuneata.  Callaeas cinerea Forst. Icon. inedit. t. 52. (fig. opt.)  Id. Enchirid. Hist. nat. inserv. p. 35.  Mus. Lev. 1. p. 239. cum fig. mala.  Lath. Synops. 1. t. 14.  Glaucopis cinerea Gmel." (Wagler 1827) (syn. Callaeas cinereus).
● ex “Vanellus ludovicianus armatus” of Brisson 1760, and “Vanneau armé de la Louisiane” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 835 (syn. Vanellus miles).

• Wilson's Inlet, southern Western Australia (syn. Acanthorhynchus superciliosus, syn. Calidris ferruginea).
• Lt.-Commander Roy Buchanan Wilson (1890-1979) Royal Navy, collector (Paul Scofield in litt.) (syn. Bradypterus barratti godfreyi, subsp. Crithagra sulphurata, syn. Erythropygia quadrivirgata).
• Dr Thomas Bellerby Wilson (1807-1865) US naturalist, patron of Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (Callaeas (ex “Glaucopis nova species” of Wilson MS), Coeligena).
• Dr Edward Adrian Wilson (1872-1912) English surgeon, zoologist, artist, Antarctic explorer with Scott 1901-1904, 1910-1912 (syn. Catharacta maccormicki, syn. Fregata ariel trinitatis, syn. Macronectes giganteus, syn. Pterodroma arminjoniana).
• Scott Burchard Wilson (1865-1923) English ornithologist, collector (subsp. Chlorodrepanis virens, Hemignathus, ‡syn. Zapornia sandwichensis).
• Alexander Wilson (1766-1813) Scottish/US pioneer naturalist, father of American ornithology (syn. Charadrius wilsonia, syn. Fulica americana, syn. Gallinago delicata, syn. Melanitta americana, syn. Oceanites oceanicus, syn. Pluvialis squatarola, syn. Steganopus tricolor, syn. Sterna hirundo) (see wilsonii).
• Ernest Henry Wilson (1876-1930) English botanist, plant collector in China 1899-1910 and Japan 1911-1916 (syn. Ithaginis cruentus).
• Francis Erasmus Wilson (1888-1960) Australian analytical chemist, entomologist, ornithologist, collector, RAOU Secretary 1911-1912 (syn. Manorina melanotis, syn. Poodytes gramineus goulburni).
• "The species name is derived from the family name Wilson, after the owners of Frome Downs Station, [South Australia] who have generously provided access and hospitality to collectors of fossil material from their property for many years." (Baird & Vickers-Rich 1998) (OD per Fred Ruhe).  Bill, Laura, Alec and Debbie Wilson sold the property in 2010 (‡Paloelodus).
• Maj. Robert Adams Wilson (1876-1964) New Zealand Army, farmer, hunter, ornithologist (subsp. Poodytes punctatus).
• Capt. Malcolm Wilson (1869-1900) British Army in Ashanti 1900 (Vidua).