Cholo Alethe

Cholo Alethe / Chamaetylas choloensis

Cholo Alethe

Here the details of the Cholo Alethe named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chamaetylas choloensis
Protonym:  Alethe choloensis Bull.Br.Orn.Club 47 p.86
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae /
Taxonomy Code:  choale1
Type Locality:  Cholo Mountain, Nyasaland.
Publish Year:  1927
IUCN Status:  


(MuscicapidaeϮ Brown-chested Alethe C. poliocephala compsonota) Gr. χαμαι khamai  on the ground; τυλας tulas, τυλαδος tulados  thrush; "A plump, upright, long-legged bird of the forest floor and low undergrowth" (Keith et al. (eds.) 1992); "Die Annahme einer ächten Geocichla in Africa scheint uns doch kaum zulässig, obgleich Cassin dieselbe mit Geocichla interpres Bp. (Turdus interpres Temm. Pl. col. 458) von den Sunda-Inseln vergleicht, wir möchlen desshalb für diese schöne Art lieber den Namen Chamaetylas compsonota (von χαμαι = humi und τυλας = turdus) vorschlagen." (Heine 1860); "Chamaetylas Heine, 1859, Journ. f. Orn., 7, p. 425. Type, by monotypy, Geocichla compsonota Cassin" (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 61).
Synon. Pseudalethe.

Cholo Mt., Nyasaland / Thyolo Mt., Malawi.


Cholo Alethe (choloensis)
SCI Name: Chamaetylas choloensis choloensis
Cholo Mt., Nyasaland / Thyolo Mt., Malawi.

Cholo Alethe (namuli)
SCI Name: Chamaetylas choloensis namuli
Namuli Mts., Mozambique.