Yellow-breasted Satinbird

Yellow-breasted Satinbird / Loboparadisea sericea

Yellow-breasted Satinbird

Here the details of the Yellow-breasted Satinbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Loboparadisea sericea
Protonym:  Loboparadisea sericea Bull.Br.Orn.Club 6 p.16
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Cnemophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  yebsat1
Type Locality:  Dutch New Guinea''. The type was bought at Kurudu Island and had presumably come from the Weyland Mts.
Publish Year:  1896
IUCN Status:  


(Cnemophilidae; Ϯ Yellow-breasted Satinbird L. sericea) Gr. λοβος lobos  lobe; genus Paradisaea Linnaeus, 1758, bird-of-paradise; "LOBOPARADISEA, gen. n.  The type of this new genus differs from all others in having two wattles, which entirely cover the basal half of the beak, except a narrow ridge on the culmen.  Size small; bill very broad at base, and short; feathers of underparts and rump recomposed and with a strong satiny gloss. No lengthened ornamental plumes.Tip of tail rounded.   LOBOPARADISEA SERICEA, sp. n.  ...  rump bright yellow, with a beautiful silky sheen.  ...  Underside bright yellow and most beautifully silky.  ...  Bill with two large wattles reaching halfway down from the base, dull blue with yellow tips." (Rothschild 1896); "Loboparadisea Rothschild, 1896, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 6, p. 15. Type, by monotypy, L. sericea Rothchild [sic]." (Mayr in Peters 1962, XV, 182). Cracraft 1992, recognised two strongly differentiated species in this genus.

Med. L. sericeus  silken  < Gr. σηρικος sērikos  silken  < σηρικον sērikon  silk  < σηρες Sēres  the people from whom silk was obtained, the Chinese.
● ex “Soui-manga à plumes soyeuses” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802 (?artefact).


Yellow-breasted Satinbird (sericea)
SCI Name: Loboparadisea sericea sericea
Med. L. sericeus  silken  < Gr. σηρικος sērikos  silken  < σηρικον sērikon  silk  < σηρες Sēres  the people from whom silk was obtained, the Chinese.
● ex “Soui-manga à plumes soyeuses” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802 (?artefact).

Yellow-breasted Satinbird (aurora)
SCI Name: Loboparadisea sericea aurora
Roman myth. Aurora, rosy-fingered goddess of the dawn, sister to Helios and Selene  <  aurora  dawn, east.
● ex “Petit Tyran de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 571, fig. 1 (syn. Myiarchus tyrannulus).