African Yellow-Warbler

African Yellow-Warbler / Iduna natalensis

African Yellow-Warbler

Here the details of the African Yellow-Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Iduna natalensis
Protonym:  Chloropeta natalensis Ill.Zool.S.Afr. pl.112 fig.2,text
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Acrocephalidae /
Taxonomy Code:  afywar1
Type Locality:  near Port Natal (= Durban), Natal.
Publish Year:  1847
IUCN Status:  


(Acrocephalidae; Ϯ Booted Warbler I. caligata) Norse myth. Iðunn or Iduna, goddess of spring and fertility, keeper of the magic apples of rejuvenation, who was changed into a sparrow to enable her rescue by Loki, in falcon form, from the giant Þjazi or Thiassi (Raul Mohedano in litt.); "IDUNA:  235. L. CALIGATA Lichtenst. — Sylvia caligata Licht. in Eversm. Reise p. 128. — Motacilla Salicaria Pall. Zoogr. I. p. 492. n. 127.  In Russland und Sibirien strichweise in Weidengebüschen an Flüssen hin, so weit strauchartige Gewächse gedeihen, auch in Daurien beobachtet, von EVERSMANN am Ilek, einem Nebenflusse des Ural angetroffen." (von Keyserling & Blasius 1840); "Iduna Keyserling and J. H. Blasius, 1840, Wirbelthiere Europa's, p. 58. Type, by monotypy, Sylvia caligata Lichtenstein." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 78).
Synon. Chloropeta, Jerdonia, Psaltria.

Natal or Port Natal / Durban, South Africa (named Terra Natalis Land of the Holy Birth, by Vasco da Gama when his expedition sailed along the coast in December 1497).


African Yellow-Warbler (batesi)
SCI Name: Iduna natalensis batesi
batesi / batesiana
● George Latimer Bates (1863-1940) US planter, ornithologist, collector in Gabon, French Congo and the Cameroons 1895-1928 (syn. Accipiter erythropus, syn. Alcedo leucogaster, Apus, subsp. Aviceda cuculoides, syn. Baeopogon indicator, syn. Batis minor erlangeri, syn. Campethera punctuligera, syn. Canirallus oculeus, Caprimulgus, subsp. Chlorophoneus multicolor, Cinnyris, syn. Dendropicos obsoletus, subsp. Dryotriorchis spectabilis, syn. Euplectes axillaris bocagei, subsp. Geokichla princei, syn. Hieraaetus ayresii, subsp. Iduna natalensis, subsp. Illadopsis cleaveri, syn. Lanius meridionalis elegans, syn. Merops muelleri, subsp. Mirafra africana, syn. Muscicapa sethsmithi, subsp. Oreocossypha isabellaePloceus, syn. Sarothrura pulchra, syn. Spizaetus africanus, syn. Sylvietta denti, Terpsiphone, syn. Urotriorchis macrourus).
● Henry Walter Bates (1825-1892) English naturalist, entomologist who developed the theory of Batesian mimicry, explorer and collector in Amazonia 1848-1859 (subsp. Melidectes ochromelas).

African Yellow-Warbler (massaica)
SCI Name: Iduna natalensis massaica
massaica / massaicum / massaicus
Massai, Masai or Maasai, a semi-nomadic people of Kenya and northern Tanzania.

African Yellow-Warbler (major)
SCI Name: Iduna natalensis major
L. maior, maioris  greater, larger  < comp. magnus  great, large, powerful.
● ex “Poule d’eau de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 352; “Even if [Statius Müller, 1776] ...should some day be repudiated by ornithologists on account of his carelessness and his apparent colour-blindness, then the proper name of the species would be Aramides major (Boddaert), founded on Daubenton’s plate” (Sharpe 1894) (syn. Aramides cajanea).
● ex “Grand Corbeau” of Levaillant 1800, pl. 51 (unident.;?Corvus sp.).
● ex “Crotophagus major” of Brisson 1760, “Grand bout de Petun” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 102, fig. 1, “Ani des palétuviers” of Salerne 1767, and “Greater Ani” of Latham 1781 (Crotophaga).
● 54. PICUS.  ...  major.  10. P. albo nigroque varius, ano occipiteque rubro.  Picus albo nigroque varius, rectricibus tribus lateralibus utrinque albescentibus. Fn. svec. 81.  Picus varius major. Ges. av. 708. Aldr. ornith. l. 12. c. 32. Will. orn. 94. t. 21. Raj. av. 43. Alb. av. I. p. 19. t. 19. Frisch. av. . . t. 36. f. 1.  Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Dendrocopos).
● ex “Grande Egrette d’Amérique” of d’Aubenton, 1765-1781, pl. 925 (syn. Egretta garzetta).
● ex “Scolopax media” of Frisch 1733-1763, “Great Snipe” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1785 (syn. Gallinago media).
● ex “Grand Indicateur, mâle” of Levaillant 1807, pl. 241, fig. 1 (syn. Indicator indicator).
● ex “Pie-grièche Blanchot” of Levaillant 1810, pl. 285 (syn. Malaconotus blanchoti).
● ex “An other sort of Loggerhead” of Sloane 1707-1725, “Sitta” or “Picus cinereus major, rostro curvo” of Ray 1713, “Grand Sittelle à bec crochu” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Great Nuthatch” of Latham 1781 (?syn. Myiarchus validus).
● ex “Parus major” of Gessner 1555, Belon 1555, Aldrovandus 1599, and Willughby 1676, “Fringillago”, “Great Titmouse” or “Ox Eye” of Ray 1713, and Albin 1731, and “Parus capite nigro, temporibus albis, nucha luteis” of Linnaeus 1746 (Parus).
ex “Grèbe de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 404, fig. 1, and “Grand Grèbe” of de Buffon 1770-1785 (Podiceps).
● ex “Barbican des côtes de Barbarie” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 602 (syn. Pogonornis dubius).
● ex “Grande Quiscale” of Vieillot 1819 (Quiscalus).
● ex “Tangara des grands bois de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 205 (syn. Saltator maximus).
● ex “Batara mayor” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 211 (Taraba).
● ex “Macucagua” of Marcgrave 1648, Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, “Perdix brasiliensis” of Brisson 1760, and “Magoua” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Tinamus).
● ex “Trepadore grande” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 241 (Xiphocolaptes).

African Yellow-Warbler (natalensis)
SCI Name: Iduna natalensis natalensis
Natal or Port Natal / Durban, South Africa (named Terra Natalis Land of the Holy Birth, by Vasco da Gama when his expedition sailed along the coast in December 1497).