Gray-headed Oliveback

Gray-headed Oliveback / Nesocharis capistrata

Gray-headed Oliveback

Here the details of the Gray-headed Oliveback named bird below:

SCI Name:  Nesocharis capistrata
Protonym:  Pytelia capistrata J.Orn. 9 p.259
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Estrildidae /
Taxonomy Code:  gyholi1
Type Locality:  Bissao, Portuguese Guinea.
Publish Year:  1861
IUCN Status:  


(Estrildidae; Ϯ Shelley's Oliveback N. shelleyi) Gr. νησος nēsos  island (= Fernando Póo); χαρις kharis, χαριτος kharitos  loveliness  < χαιρω khairō  to rejoice; "NESOCHARIS, n. gen.  Simile generi Spermestes dicto, sed rostro cyanescente debili, valde compresso et cauda brevi rotundata, pedibus caudam apicalem excedentibus distinguendum.   Typus est  1. NESOCHARIS SHELLEYI, n. sp.   ...   Hab. Moka, Fernando Po, Dec. 12, 1902." (Alexander 1903).
Synon. Chlorestrilda, Delacourella.

L. capistratus  haltered  < capistrum  halter, band  < capere  to hold.