Fawn-breasted Brilliant

Fawn-breasted Brilliant / Heliodoxa rubinoides

Fawn-breasted Brilliant

Here the details of the Fawn-breasted Brilliant named bird below:

SCI Name:  Heliodoxa rubinoides
Protonym:  Trochilus rubinoides Ann.Sci.Phys.Nat.Agric.Ind. 9 p.322
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  fabbri1
Type Locality:  Colombia.
Publish Year:  1846
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Violet-fronted Brilliant H. leadbeateri) Gr. ἡλιος hēlios  sun; δοξα doxa  glory, magnificence  < δεχομαι dekhomai  to approve; "Genus HELIODOXA, Gould.  Bill straight or slightly curved downwards, of moderate length; nostrils covered by an operculum; wings pointed, rigid, of moderate size, and well-adapted for sustaining flight; tail of moderate size, considerably forked; feet of moderate size; the outer toe and claw shorter than the inner toe and claw; the hind toe and claw the shortest of all; tarsi clothed with fine feathers.   Species, H. jacula, H. Leadbeateri (H. Otero?), H. rubinoïdes, and H. rubinia? " (Gould 1850); "Quatre espèces constituent le genre Delattria, qui a pour type Ornysmia henrica, Less.  ...  il est voisin du genre Heliodoxa, fondé tout dernièrement par Gould, mais dont le type est Trochilus Leadbeateri." (Bonaparte 1850); "Heliodoxa Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 17, 1849 (Jan.-June, 1850), p. 95.  Type, by subsequent designation, Trochilus leadbeateri Bourcier, (Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 30, 8 Apr., 1850, p. 380.)   Heliodoxa "Gould" Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 30, 8 Apr., 1850, p. 380.  Type, by original designation, Trochilus leadbeateri Bourcier.   ...   On the basis of the evidence available, I am quite unable to discover whether Heliodoxa Gould or Leadbeatera Bonaparte is the prior generic name.  In using Heliodoxa I follow the principle of auctorum plurimorum." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 87).   
Synon. Agapeta, Agapetornis, Aspasta, Eugenia, Hypolia, Iolaema, Ionolaima, Lampraster, Leadbeatera, Phaiolaima, Placophorus, Polyplancta, Smaragdochroa, Strophiolaemus, Xanthogenyx, Xanthogonys.
• (Trochilidae; syn. Clytolaema  † Brazilian Ruby C. rubricauda) "Heliodoxa GOULD 1849.  ...  * β. Heliodoxa rubinea (Tr. — us LATH. 1781.) GOULD. — Brasil. Guiana.   —— Matthewsii (Tr. — BOURC. 1847.) RCHB. — Peru." (Reichenbach 1854); "Heliodoxa Reichenbach, 1854, Journ. für Ornith., I, Extraheft, Aufzählung der Colibris, p. 9.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 140 (Appendix)), Trochilus rubineus Lath., i.e. Trochilus rubineus Gmelin, 1788 = Trochilus rubricauda Boddaert, 1783." (JAJ 2020).

Old French rubi or rubin  ruby  < Med. L. rubinus  ruby-coloured  < L. ruber  red (cf. specific name Trochilus rubineus J. Gmelin, 1788 (= syn. Clytolaema rubricauda)); Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "LE RUBINOIDE.  T. RUBINOIDES...   Gorge parée d'une sorte de jabot se détachant du cou, formé de plumes écailleuses, métalliques, très-brillantes; d'un vert doré, près du bec; de couleur améthyste ou d'un cuivre violet, postérieurement." (Bourcier & Mulsant 1846) (Heliodoxa).


Fawn-breasted Brilliant (rubinoides)
SCI Name: Heliodoxa rubinoides rubinoides
Old French rubi or rubin  ruby  < Med. L. rubinus  ruby-coloured  < L. ruber  red (cf. specific name Trochilus rubineus J. Gmelin, 1788 (= syn. Clytolaema rubricauda)); Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "LE RUBINOIDE.  T. RUBINOIDES...   Gorge parée d'une sorte de jabot se détachant du cou, formé de plumes écailleuses, métalliques, très-brillantes; d'un vert doré, près du bec; de couleur améthyste ou d'un cuivre violet, postérieurement." (Bourcier & Mulsant 1846) (Heliodoxa).

Fawn-breasted Brilliant (aequatorialis)
SCI Name: Heliodoxa rubinoides aequatorialis
aequatoriale / aequatorialis
Late L. aequatorialis  equatorial  < aequator  equator  < L. aequare  to make equal  < aequus  equal. Frequently given to species with a distribution in the equatorial latitudes of Africa (e.g. subsp. Jynx ruficollis, Sheppardia), but more commonly applied to birds from Ecuador (Spanish ecuador  equator) (e.g. Momotus, Thamnistes, Xiphorhynchus).
● Erroneous TL. Guayaquil (= Panama City) (subsp. Dendroica petechia).
Erroneous TL. Guayaquil (= interior of Ecuador) (subsp. Falco sparverius).
● Erroneous TL. Ecuador (= Bahia, Brazil) (syn. Heliothryx aurita auriculata).
● Erroneous TL. Bogotá (= San Lucas, Ecuador) (subsp. Rallus limicola).

Fawn-breasted Brilliant (cervinigularis)
SCI Name: Heliodoxa rubinoides cervinigularis
L. cervinus  stag-coloured  < cervus  stag; Mod. L. gularis  throated  < L. gula  throat.