
Goldcrest / Regulus regulus


Here the details of the Goldcrest named bird below:

SCI Name:  Regulus regulus
Protonym:  Motacilla Regulus Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.188
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Regulidae /
Taxonomy Code:  goldcr1
Type Locality:  Europe; restricted to Sweden by Linnaeus, 1761, Fauna Svecica, ed. 2, p. 95.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Regulidae; Ϯ Goldcrest R. regulus) Specific name Motacilla regulus Linnaeus, 1758; "Roitelets . . . Regulus" (Cuvier 1800); "Dans la tradition nordique, le roitelet (le plus petit des oiseaux) est le druide des oiseaux. Ce term de petit roi n'est donc pas une moquerie, il correspond à une vieille tradition celtique. Le première mention de ce mot pour désigner un oiseau remonte au début du XIIe siècle" (Cabard & Chauvet 2003); "Regulus Cuvier, 1800, Leçons Anatomie Comparée, 1, table 2. Type, by monotypy and tautonymy, "Roitelets" = Motacilla regulus Linnaeus." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 286). This genus formerly included the reguline leaf-warblers Phylloscopus.
Var. Regillus (L. regillus  royal, regal  < regius  royal).
Synon. Calendula, Corthylio, Ocelletus, Orchilus, Regaliolus, Rex, Senator.
● (syn. Regulus Ϯ Ruby-crowned Kinglet R. calendula) "Regulus BARTRAM, Travels through Carolina, etc., 1791, p.—  ...  Type, Motacilla calendula LINNAEUS (Present designation.)3   ...   2 Seven species of Regulus are enumerated by Bartram in 1791, but only one is technically available as type at this date. This is "R. cristatus alter vertice rubini coloris; the ruby crown wren. (G. Edwards.)", or Motacilla calendula Linnaeus. Edwards figured and described this species from a specimen sent to him by Bartram.   ...   3 There appear to be excellent generic differences between Motacilla calendula and M. regulus, as long ago recognized by Cabanis, who, in 1853, proposed the name Corthylio for M. calendula. This genus has been recently revived by Mr. Miller (Auk, vol. 32, 1915, pp. 234-236), but from the above reference to Regulus it will be seen that Motacilla regulus is the species to be provided with a generic name." (Richmond 1917). 

L. regulus  prince, kinglet  < dim. rex, regis  king  < regere  to rule.
● "15. TROCHILUS (LOPHORNIS) REGULUS.  Troch. plumis in vertice castaneo-fuscis valde elongatis, acuminatis, ad apices viridibus  ...  This beautiful species is nearly allied to the T. ornata and T. magnifica, but differs from them in the lesser development of the feathers of the sides of the neck and in the greater size of the crest, which is more largely developed than in any other species known." (Gould 1846) (syn. Lophornis delattrei).
● "99. MOTACILLA.  ...  Regulus. 30. M. remigibus secundariis exteriori margine flavis, medio albis. Fn. svec. 235.  Regulus cristatus. Will. orn. 163. t. 41.  Raj. av. 79. n. 9.  Alb. av. I. p. 51. t. 53.  Aldr. orn. l. 17. c. 1.  Frisch. av. . t. 24. f. 4.  Catesb. car. 3. p. 13. t. 13.   Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Regulus).

(Regulidae; Ϯ Goldcrest R. regulus) Specific name Motacilla regulus Linnaeus, 1758; "Roitelets . . . Regulus" (Cuvier 1800); "Dans la tradition nordique, le roitelet (le plus petit des oiseaux) est le druide des oiseaux. Ce term de petit roi n'est donc pas une moquerie, il correspond à une vieille tradition celtique. Le première mention de ce mot pour désigner un oiseau remonte au début du XIIe siècle" (Cabard & Chauvet 2003); "Regulus Cuvier, 1800, Leçons Anatomie Comparée, 1, table 2. Type, by monotypy and tautonymy, "Roitelets" = Motacilla regulus Linnaeus." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 286). This genus formerly included the reguline leaf-warblers Phylloscopus.
Var. Regillus (L. regillus  royal, regal  < regius  royal).
Synon. Calendula, Corthylio, Ocelletus, Orchilus, Regaliolus, Rex, Senator.
● (syn. Regulus Ϯ Ruby-crowned Kinglet R. calendula) "Regulus BARTRAM, Travels through Carolina, etc., 1791, p.—  ...  Type, Motacilla calendula LINNAEUS (Present designation.)3   ...   2 Seven species of Regulus are enumerated by Bartram in 1791, but only one is technically available as type at this date. This is "R. cristatus alter vertice rubini coloris; the ruby crown wren. (G. Edwards.)", or Motacilla calendula Linnaeus. Edwards figured and described this species from a specimen sent to him by Bartram.   ...   3 There appear to be excellent generic differences between Motacilla calendula and M. regulus, as long ago recognized by Cabanis, who, in 1853, proposed the name Corthylio for M. calendula. This genus has been recently revived by Mr. Miller (Auk, vol. 32, 1915, pp. 234-236), but from the above reference to Regulus it will be seen that Motacilla regulus is the species to be provided with a generic name." (Richmond 1917). 

L. regulus  prince, kinglet  < dim. rex, regis  king  < regere  to rule.
● "15. TROCHILUS (LOPHORNIS) REGULUS.  Troch. plumis in vertice castaneo-fuscis valde elongatis, acuminatis, ad apices viridibus  ...  This beautiful species is nearly allied to the T. ornata and T. magnifica, but differs from them in the lesser development of the feathers of the sides of the neck and in the greater size of the crest, which is more largely developed than in any other species known." (Gould 1846) (syn. Lophornis delattrei).
● "99. MOTACILLA.  ...  Regulus. 30. M. remigibus secundariis exteriori margine flavis, medio albis. Fn. svec. 235.  Regulus cristatus. Will. orn. 163. t. 41.  Raj. av. 79. n. 9.  Alb. av. I. p. 51. t. 53.  Aldr. orn. l. 17. c. 1.  Frisch. av. . t. 24. f. 4.  Catesb. car. 3. p. 13. t. 13.   Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Regulus).


Goldcrest (European)
SCI Name: Regulus regulus [regulus Group]
(Regulidae; Ϯ Goldcrest R. regulus) Specific name Motacilla regulus Linnaeus, 1758; "Roitelets . . . Regulus" (Cuvier 1800); "Dans la tradition nordique, le roitelet (le plus petit des oiseaux) est le druide des oiseaux. Ce term de petit roi n'est donc pas une moquerie, il correspond à une vieille tradition celtique. Le première mention de ce mot pour désigner un oiseau remonte au début du XIIe siècle" (Cabard & Chauvet 2003); "Regulus Cuvier, 1800, Leçons Anatomie Comparée, 1, table 2. Type, by monotypy and tautonymy, "Roitelets" = Motacilla regulus Linnaeus." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 286). This genus formerly included the reguline leaf-warblers Phylloscopus.
Var. Regillus (L. regillus  royal, regal  < regius  royal).
Synon. Calendula, Corthylio, Ocelletus, Orchilus, Regaliolus, Rex, Senator.
● (syn. Regulus Ϯ Ruby-crowned Kinglet R. calendula) "Regulus BARTRAM, Travels through Carolina, etc., 1791, p.—  ...  Type, Motacilla calendula LINNAEUS (Present designation.)3   ...   2 Seven species of Regulus are enumerated by Bartram in 1791, but only one is technically available as type at this date. This is "R. cristatus alter vertice rubini coloris; the ruby crown wren. (G. Edwards.)", or Motacilla calendula Linnaeus. Edwards figured and described this species from a specimen sent to him by Bartram.   ...   3 There appear to be excellent generic differences between Motacilla calendula and M. regulus, as long ago recognized by Cabanis, who, in 1853, proposed the name Corthylio for M. calendula. This genus has been recently revived by Mr. Miller (Auk, vol. 32, 1915, pp. 234-236), but from the above reference to Regulus it will be seen that Motacilla regulus is the species to be provided with a generic name." (Richmond 1917). 

Goldcrest (western Canary Islands)
SCI Name: Regulus regulus ellenthalerae
Prof. Dr Ellen Thaler-Kottek (fl. 2006) Austrian ornithologist, marine biologist (subsp. Regulus regulus).

Goldcrest (Tenerife)
SCI Name: Regulus regulus teneriffae
tenerifae / teneriffae
Tenerife or Teneriffe, Canary Is.

Goldcrest (Sao Miguel)
SCI Name: Regulus regulus azoricus
azorensis / azorica / azoricus
Azores, North Atlantic Ocean (Portuguese Açores hawks, seen by early explorers).

Goldcrest (Santa Maria)
SCI Name: Regulus regulus sanctaemariae
Med. L. Sancta Maria St Mary, Mother of God (Spanish Madre de Dios).
● District of Madre de Dios, Bolivia (Cymbilaimus).
● Santa Maria, Azores (subsp. Regulus regulus).

Goldcrest (Western Azores)
SCI Name: Regulus regulus inermis
inerme / inermis
L. inermis  helpless, inoffensive  < in-  not; arma, armorum  arms, armour.

Goldcrest (Asian)
SCI Name: Regulus regulus [himalayensis Group]
(Regulidae; Ϯ Goldcrest R. regulus) Specific name Motacilla regulus Linnaeus, 1758; "Roitelets . . . Regulus" (Cuvier 1800); "Dans la tradition nordique, le roitelet (le plus petit des oiseaux) est le druide des oiseaux. Ce term de petit roi n'est donc pas une moquerie, il correspond à une vieille tradition celtique. Le première mention de ce mot pour désigner un oiseau remonte au début du XIIe siècle" (Cabard & Chauvet 2003); "Regulus Cuvier, 1800, Leçons Anatomie Comparée, 1, table 2. Type, by monotypy and tautonymy, "Roitelets" = Motacilla regulus Linnaeus." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 286). This genus formerly included the reguline leaf-warblers Phylloscopus.
Var. Regillus (L. regillus  royal, regal  < regius  royal).
Synon. Calendula, Corthylio, Ocelletus, Orchilus, Regaliolus, Rex, Senator.
● (syn. Regulus Ϯ Ruby-crowned Kinglet R. calendula) "Regulus BARTRAM, Travels through Carolina, etc., 1791, p.—  ...  Type, Motacilla calendula LINNAEUS (Present designation.)3   ...   2 Seven species of Regulus are enumerated by Bartram in 1791, but only one is technically available as type at this date. This is "R. cristatus alter vertice rubini coloris; the ruby crown wren. (G. Edwards.)", or Motacilla calendula Linnaeus. Edwards figured and described this species from a specimen sent to him by Bartram.   ...   3 There appear to be excellent generic differences between Motacilla calendula and M. regulus, as long ago recognized by Cabanis, who, in 1853, proposed the name Corthylio for M. calendula. This genus has been recently revived by Mr. Miller (Auk, vol. 32, 1915, pp. 234-236), but from the above reference to Regulus it will be seen that Motacilla regulus is the species to be provided with a generic name." (Richmond 1917).