Wahnes’s Parotia

Wahnes\'s Parotia / Parotia wahnesi

Wahnes's Parotia

Here the details of the Wahnes's Parotia named bird below:

SCI Name:  Parotia wahnesi
Protonym:  Parotia wahnesi TwoNewBirdsofParadise p.2
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Paradisaeidae /
Taxonomy Code:  wahpar1
Type Locality:  Rawlinson Mts.
Publish Year:  1906
IUCN Status:  


(Paradisaeidae; Ϯ Western Parotia P. sefilata) Gr. παρωτις parōtis  curl of hair by the ear  < παρ par  near; ους ous, ωτος ōtos  ear; from behind the eyes of the male Western Parotia or Six-wired Bird of Paradise spring racquet-tipped head-wires; "Le sifilet. (Paradisea aurea)Noir, sans filets au croupion, mais trois longs partant de chaque oreille, terminés par un disque verd doré." (Cuvier 1798); "86. SIFILET, Parotia.  Paradisea, Linn. Gm. Lath.  Bec garni de plumes courtes jusqu'au-delà du milieu, grêle, comprimé latéralement, tendu, échancré et fléchi à la pointe. — Plumes hypochondriales, longues, larges, décomposées.   Esp. Sifilet, Buff." (Vieillot 1816); "Parotia Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 35. Type, by monotypy, "Sifilet, Buff." = P. sefilata Pennant." (Mayr in Peters 1962, XV, 194). Cracraft 1992, considered that Parotia consisted of ten well-differentiated species.
Var. Parotica (παρ par  near; ωτικος ōtikos  of the ear), Parolia.
Synon. Otostylis.

Carl Wahnes (1835-1910) German naturalist, collector in New Guinea (subsp. Charmosyna stellae, subsp. Gerygone palpebrosa, Parotia).