Lesser Noddy

Lesser Noddy / Anous tenuirostris

Lesser Noddy

Here the details of the Lesser Noddy named bird below:

SCI Name:  Anous tenuirostris
Protonym:  Sterna tenuirostris Pl.Col. livr.34 pl.202
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Laridae /
Taxonomy Code:  lesnod1
Type Locality:  Senegal, error = Seychelles, substituted by Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 210.
Publish Year:  1823
IUCN Status:  


(Laridae; Ϯ Brown Noddy A. stolidus) Gr. ανους anous  foolish, silly  < ανοος anoos  without understanding; "ANOÜS.  NODDY.   Generic CharacterRostrum capite longum, subulatum, subrectum, acutum, compressiusculum; mandibula superiore paulo inclinata.  Nares lineares, basales.  Alæ mediocres.  Cauda haud furcata.  Pedes tetradactyli, debiles; digito postico minuto, ungues parvæ.    ANOÜS. Leach. MS.  STERNA. Linn., Gmel., Lath.  GAVIA. Briss.  PASSER. Ray.   THE Noddies differ from the Terns and Viralves by having the tail nearly equal with the wings, and even at the end: their beak also differs from that of either of the above genera in its form, which approaches somewhat to that of the beak of the Gulls.  They are said to be a very stupid race of birds, and to allow themselves to be knocked on the head without attempting to remove from the place: they are usually of very dark and sombre colours; and are found within the tropics.   BLACK NODDY.  (Anoüs niger.)  ...  They are called Noddies from their apparent stupidity in flying into ships, and allowing themselves to be caught by the hand; but they will frequently inflict very severe wounds with their beak, and scratch with their claws those persons who attempt to catch them.    DUSKY NODDY.  (Anoüs fuscatus.)  ...   SHORT-TAILED NODDY.  (Anoüs plumbea.)  ...   BROWN NODDY.  (Anoüs? spadicea.)" (Stephens 1826); "Anoüs Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., 13, pt. 1, 1826, p. 139. Type, by subsequent designation, Anoüs niger Stephens = Sterna stolida Linné. (Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 79.)" (Peters, 1934, II, p. 346).
Synon. Aganaphron, Anaethetus, Anousella, Gavia, Megalopterus, Micranous, Noddi, Nodinus, Procelsterna, Stolida.

tenuirostra / tenuirostre / tenuirostris
L. tenuis, tenue  slender; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.


Lesser Noddy (tenuirostris)
SCI Name: Anous tenuirostris tenuirostris
tenuirostra / tenuirostre / tenuirostris
L. tenuis, tenue  slender; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.

Lesser Noddy (melanops)
SCI Name: Anous tenuirostris melanops
Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face.
● ex “Rollier à Masque Noir” or “Kaialora de la Nouvelle Hollande” of Levaillant 1802, and “Black-faced Crow” of Latham 1802 (subsp. Coracina novaehollandiae).
● ex “Streaked Falcon” of Latham 1787 (Leucopternis).
● ex “Ypacahá cara negra” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 373 (Porphyriops).
● ex “Lindo pardo copete amarillo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 101 (Trichothraupis).