Foxy Lark

Foxy Lark / Calendulauda alopex

Foxy Lark

Here the details of the Foxy Lark named bird below:

SCI Name:  Calendulauda alopex
Protonym:  Mirafra alopex Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 13 p.596,617
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Alaudidae /
Taxonomy Code:  foxlar1
Type Locality:  Somaliland.
Publish Year:  1890
IUCN Status:  


(Alaudidae; Karoo Lark C. albescens) Portmanteau of genera Calendula Swainson, 1837, lark, and Alauda, Linnaeus, 1758, lark; "Mr. G. R. Gray assigns to MEGALOPHONUS certain true Larks (possessing the nareal tuft) of S. Africa, which Dr. A. Smith classed as ALAUDÆ; but these constitute a peculiar form, CALENDULAUDA, nobis; ex. ALAUDA ALBESCENS, Lafr. (v. A. codea, A. Smith),— A. LAGEPA, A. Smith, &c." (Blyth 1855); "Calendulauda Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, xxiv, p. 258, 1855.  Type by original designation, Alauda albescens Lafr. = Certhilauda nivosa Swains." (W. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 316); "CALENDULAUDA Blyth, 1855  F — Alauda albescens Lafresnaye, 1839; type by monotypy." (Dickinson & Christidis (eds.), H. & M. Complete Checklist, 4th ed., 2014, 2 (Passerines), p. 437). The Karoo Lark and its allies are a challenging group that have been linked to various other taxa in the past.
Synon. Pseudammomanes, Sabota.

Gr. αλωπηξ alōpēx, αλωπεκος alōpekos  fox (i.e. fox-coloured, tawny-red, coppery-red).


Foxy Lark (alopex)
SCI Name: Calendulauda alopex alopex
Gr. αλωπηξ alōpēx, αλωπεκος alōpekos  fox (i.e. fox-coloured, tawny-red, coppery-red).

Foxy Lark (intercedens)
SCI Name: Calendulauda alopex intercedens
L. intercedens, intercedentis  interposed, coming between  < intercedere  to come between.
● Not only does the Growling Riflebird occupy eastern New Guinea, between the ranges of the two subspp. of the Magnificent Riflebird L. magnifica, but the female resembles the female of the nominate subsp. and the male resembles the male of the other (Lophorina).