Whiskered Flycatcher

Whiskered Flycatcher / Myiobius barbatus

Whiskered Flycatcher

Here the details of the Whiskered Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Myiobius barbatus
Protonym:  Muscicapa barbata Syst.Nat. 1 pt2 p.933
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Oxyruncidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whifly1
Type Locality:  Cayenne.
Publish Year:  1789
IUCN Status:  


(Tityridae; Ϯ Whiskered Flycatcher M. barbatus) Gr. μυια muia, μυιας muias  fly; βιος bios  living, livelihood; "MYIOBIUS. G. R. Gray.  TYRANNULA. Swains.  Mr. Gould has adopted for the following species Mr. Swainson's generic appellation of Tyrannula, but Mr. G. R. Gray has pointed out that as Tyrannulus was proposed and published eleven years before, namely in 1816, by Vieillot, it becomes necessary to change the former name, and therefore he proposes Myiobius.    1. MYIOBIUS ALBICEPS. G. R. Gray.  Muscipeta albiceps. D'Orb. et Lafr. Mag. de Zool. 1837, p. 47.  ...  2. MYIOBIUS AURICEPS.  Tyrannula auriceps. Gould, MS.  ...  3. MYIOBIUS PARVIROSTRIS.  Tyrannula parvirostris, Gould, MS.  ...  4. MYIOBIUS MAGNIROSTRIS. Tyrannula magnirostris. Gould, MS." (Darwin 1839); "Myiobius Darwin, 1839, Zool. Beagle, 3, Birds, p. 46. Type, designated by International Commission, Muscicapa barbata Gmelin.  ...  For use of this name in its accustomed sense see 1956, Op. Decl. Int. Comm. Zool. Nomencl., 13, p. 245" (Traylor in Peters 1979, VIII, 116).  It has been suggested that this genus, together with Onychorhynchus and Terenotriccus, be moved to the Oxyruncidae.
Synon. Platyrhynchus, Tyrannula.

L. barbatus  bearded  < barba  beard (see barbata).
● "There are two South-African specimens of a Swift in the Leyden Museum labelled "Cypselus barbatus," which differs from European examples principally in their lighter colour above, particularly on the secondaries and scapulars, in the white feathers of the gular patch presenting a narrow black central line, and in the feathers of the lower back, belly, and under wing-coverts being narrowly margined with white.  Two specimens from Natal, collected by Mr. Ayres are similar.  It is possible that this form may be entitled to rank as a species, to which Temminck's MS. name may be applied." (P. Sclater 1865) (Apus).
● "DENDRORTYX BARBATUS.  Bearded Partridge.  ...  Head slightly crested, the feathers of which are dark brown; forehead brownish buff; stripe above and behind the eye, throat and sides of the neck leaden grey" (Gould 1846) (Dendrortyx).
● "40. VULTUR.  ...  barbatus.  5. V. albidus, dorso fusco, jugulo barbato, rostro incarnato, capite linea nigra cincto.  Vultur aureus. Gesn. av. 783. t. 781.  Vultur barbatus. Edv. av. 106. t. 106.  Habitat in Africa.  Ad basin maxillæ inferioris barba dependet; frons oculorumque regio atra." (Linnaeus 1758) (Gypaetus). This epithet is the fifth name and first adjectival in avian nomenclature.
● ex “Barbichon de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 830, and “Whiskered Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (Myiobius).
● ex “Bearded Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Psittacula alexandri).
● ex “Merle barbu” of Desfontaines 1789: “Le bec est noir, un peu arqué, long de six à sept lignes; de sa base naissent cinq à six petites soies brunes, roides, de la grosseur d’un crin de cheval” (Pycnonotus).
● ex “Pic à Doubles Moustaches” of Levaillant 1808, pl. 251 (syn. Thripias namaquus).


Whiskered Flycatcher (Whiskered)
SCI Name: Myiobius barbatus [barbatus Group]
(Tityridae; Ϯ Whiskered Flycatcher M. barbatus) Gr. μυια muia, μυιας muias  fly; βιος bios  living, livelihood; "MYIOBIUS. G. R. Gray.  TYRANNULA. Swains.  Mr. Gould has adopted for the following species Mr. Swainson's generic appellation of Tyrannula, but Mr. G. R. Gray has pointed out that as Tyrannulus was proposed and published eleven years before, namely in 1816, by Vieillot, it becomes necessary to change the former name, and therefore he proposes Myiobius.    1. MYIOBIUS ALBICEPS. G. R. Gray.  Muscipeta albiceps. D'Orb. et Lafr. Mag. de Zool. 1837, p. 47.  ...  2. MYIOBIUS AURICEPS.  Tyrannula auriceps. Gould, MS.  ...  3. MYIOBIUS PARVIROSTRIS.  Tyrannula parvirostris, Gould, MS.  ...  4. MYIOBIUS MAGNIROSTRIS. Tyrannula magnirostris. Gould, MS." (Darwin 1839); "Myiobius Darwin, 1839, Zool. Beagle, 3, Birds, p. 46. Type, designated by International Commission, Muscicapa barbata Gmelin.  ...  For use of this name in its accustomed sense see 1956, Op. Decl. Int. Comm. Zool. Nomencl., 13, p. 245" (Traylor in Peters 1979, VIII, 116).  It has been suggested that this genus, together with Onychorhynchus and Terenotriccus, be moved to the Oxyruncidae.
Synon. Platyrhynchus, Tyrannula.

Whiskered Flycatcher (Yellow-rumped)
SCI Name: Myiobius barbatus mastacalis
Gr. μυσταξ mustax, μυστακος mustakos moustache.