Collared Sunbird

Collared Sunbird / Hedydipna collaris

Collared Sunbird

Here the details of the Collared Sunbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Hedydipna collaris
Protonym:  Cinnyris collaris Nouv.Dict.Hist.Nat. 31 p.502
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Nectariniidae /
Taxonomy Code:  colsun2
Type Locality:  Gamtoos [Cape Province] .
Publish Year:  1819
IUCN Status:  


(Nectariniidae; Ϯ Pygmy Sunbird H. platura) Gr. ἡδυδειπνος hēdudeipnos  dainty-supping, sweet-eating  < ἡδυς hēdus  sweet; δειπνεω deipneō  to dine; "Gen. HEDYDIPNA nov. gen. *) Zuckerfresser.   551. 1. H. metallica Nob. — Nectarinia metallica Licht. Doubl. p. 15. No. 133. — id. Hempr. u. Ehrenb. Symb. Phys. tab. 1. — id. Rüpp. Atlas tab. 7.   id. Temm. Pl. col. tab. 547. fig. 1. 2.   ...  *) Von ἡδυδειπνος, süssspeisend. — Mit kürzerem, weniger stark gekrümmtem Schnabel und stark verlängerten mittleren Schwanzfedern.  Typus der Gruppe ist: H. platyura. — Cinnyris platura Vieill." (Cabanis 1853); "Hedydipna Cabanis, Mus. Hein. i, p. 101, 1850.  Type by original designation, Cinnyris platura Vieill." (W. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 686).
Var. Hedidypna.
Synon. Anthodiaeta, Platydipna.

L. collaris  of the neck  < collum  neck (cf. L. collare, collaris  neck-chain, collar).
● ex “Héoro-taire à collier blanc” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802 (syn. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris).
● ex "Grue à collier" of d'Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 865 (syn. Antigone antigone).
● ex “Barbu à collier de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 395, and “Tamatia à collier” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (syn. Bucco capensis).
● ex "Mbatuitui collar negro" of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 392 (Charadrius).
● ex “Coucou à Collier Blanc” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 213 (syn. Clamator glandarius).
● ex "Sucrier Gamtocin" or "Sucrier à Cordon Bleue" of Levaillant 1812, pl. 299 (Hedydipna).
● ex “Gobe-mouche à collier du Sénégal” (= ♀) of Brisson 1760 (syn. Platysteira cyanea).
● ex “Pico grueso gargantilla” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 125 (syn. Sporophila caerulescens).
● ex “Gros-Bec d’Angola” of de Buffon 1770-1785 (Sporophila).
● ex “Bacbakiri” of Levaillant 1800, pl. 67 (syn. Telophorus zeylonus).
● ex “Martin-pêcheur à collier blanc des Philippines” of Sonnerat 1776 (subsp. Todiramphus chloris).
● ex “Couroucou Rosalba” of Levaillant 1806 (Trogon).

Gr. κολαρις kolaris (variant of καλαρις  kalaris) bird mentioned by Aristotle, not otherwise identified.
• (Coraciidae; syn. Eurystomus Broad-billed Roller E. glaucurus) "*XXVII  Eurystomus VIEILLOT.  ...  *121. E. orientalis    ...    XXIX  Colaris CUVIER.   ...   124. C. madagascariensis (Coracias —GM.) RCHB.   ...   *125. C. afra CUVIER.   ...   *126. C. gularis (Euryst. — VIEILL.) WAGL.   ...   127. C. viridis WAGLER." (Reichenbach 1852); "Colaris "Cuvier" Reichenbach, 1852, Handbuch der Speciellen Ornithologie, Icones ad Synopsin Avium. cont. IX. Meropinae, p. 56 (not of Cuvier, 1816).  Type, by virtual monotypy, Coracias madagascariensis Gmelin, 1788 = Coracias glaucurus Statius Müller, 1776." (JAJ 2021).
• (Coraciidae; syn. Eurystomus Oriental Dollarbird E. orientalis) "LES ROLLES. (COLARIS. Cuv.)  Diffèrent des rolliers par leur bec plus court, plus arqué, et surtout élargi à la base au point d'y être moins haut que large (3).   ...   (3) Coracias orientalis enl. 619. - Cor. Madagascariensis. enl. 501. - Cor. Afra Lath., Vaill., loc. cit. pl. 35.  Colaris est le nom grec d'un oiseau inconnu." (Cuvier 1816); "Colaris Cuvier, 1816, Règne Animal, I, p. 401.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 13), Coracias orientalis Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Collaris.


Collared Sunbird (subcollaris)
SCI Name: Hedydipna collaris subcollaris
L. succollare or subcollare  to shoulder, to take upon the neck or shoulder.
● L. sub near to; specific name Cinnyris collaris Vieillot, 1819 (subsp. Hedydipna collaris).
● L. sub near to; subsp. name Psittacella modesta collaris Ogilvie-Grant, 1914 (subsp. Psittacella modesta).

Collared Sunbird (hypodila)
SCI Name: Hedydipna collaris hypodila
hypodila / hypodilus
Gr. ὑποδηλοω hupodēloō  to hint at  < ὑπο hupo  somewhat; δηλοω dēloō  to explain.

Collared Sunbird (somereni)
SCI Name: Hedydipna collaris somereni
Dr Victor Gurnet Logan van Someren (1886-1976) Scottish physician, medical officer in Kenya, ornithologist, entomologist, first Director (1930) of Coryndon Mus. (now Nairobi National Mus.) (syn. Cossypha polioptera, syn. Crithagra burtoni tanganjicae, subsp. Hedydipna collaris, subsp. Podica senegalensis, syn. Sarothrura boehmi, subsp. Terpsiphone rufiventer, syn. Uraeginthus ianthinogaster (ex Granatina ianthogaster ugandae van Someren, 1919)).
● Dr Robert Abraham Logan van Someren (1880-1955) Scottish physician, medical officer in Uganda 1905-1925, naturalist (subsp. Crithagra atrogularis).
● Lt. Noel van Someren (d. 1921) British Army, collector in East Africa (syn. Zosterops poliogastrus kikuyuensis).

Collared Sunbird (djamdjamensis)
SCI Name: Hedydipna collaris djamdjamensis
Jamm Jamm Range (= Djamdjam district), southern Ethiopia.

Collared Sunbird (garguensis)
SCI Name: Hedydipna collaris garguensis
Mt. Gargues or Garguez (= Mt. Uraguess), northern Kenya.

Collared Sunbird (zambesiana)
SCI Name: Hedydipna collaris zambesiana
zambesiae / zambesiana / zambesianus / zambesiensis
Zambesi River, central Africa.

Collared Sunbird (zuluensis)
SCI Name: Hedydipna collaris zuluensis
zuluense / zuluensis
Zululand, Natal / KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Collared Sunbird (elachior)
SCI Name: Hedydipna collaris elachior
Mod. L. elachior, elachioris  smaller  < comp. Gr. ελαχυς elakhus  small, little.

Collared Sunbird (collaris)
SCI Name: Hedydipna collaris collaris
L. collaris  of the neck  < collum  neck (cf. L. collare, collaris  neck-chain, collar).
● ex “Héoro-taire à collier blanc” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802 (syn. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris).
● ex "Grue à collier" of d'Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 865 (syn. Antigone antigone).
● ex “Barbu à collier de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 395, and “Tamatia à collier” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (syn. Bucco capensis).
● ex "Mbatuitui collar negro" of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 392 (Charadrius).
● ex “Coucou à Collier Blanc” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 213 (syn. Clamator glandarius).
● ex "Sucrier Gamtocin" or "Sucrier à Cordon Bleue" of Levaillant 1812, pl. 299 (Hedydipna).
● ex “Gobe-mouche à collier du Sénégal” (= ♀) of Brisson 1760 (syn. Platysteira cyanea).
● ex “Pico grueso gargantilla” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 125 (syn. Sporophila caerulescens).
● ex “Gros-Bec d’Angola” of de Buffon 1770-1785 (Sporophila).
● ex “Bacbakiri” of Levaillant 1800, pl. 67 (syn. Telophorus zeylonus).
● ex “Martin-pêcheur à collier blanc des Philippines” of Sonnerat 1776 (subsp. Todiramphus chloris).
● ex “Couroucou Rosalba” of Levaillant 1806 (Trogon).