Double-eyed Fig-Parrot

Double-eyed Fig-Parrot / Cyclopsitta diophthalma

Double-eyed Fig-Parrot

Here the details of the Double-eyed Fig-Parrot named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cyclopsitta diophthalma
Protonym:  Psittacula diophthalma Ann.Sci.Nat.Zool.(2), 16 p.318
Taxonomy:  Psittaciformes / Psittaculidae /
Taxonomy Code:  defpar1
Type Locality:  Southern coast of New Guinea = Triton Bay.
Publish Year:  1841
IUCN Status:  


(Psittacidae; Ϯ Double-eyed Fig Parrot C. diophthalma) Gr. myth. Cyclops, a race of giants in Sicily having but one eye in the middle of their foreheads  < κυκλωψ kuklōps, κυκλωπος kuklōpos  round-eyed  < κυκλος kuklos  circle; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  eye; Mod. L. psitta  parrot  < Gr. ψιττακη psittakē  parrot; "PSITTACULE DOUBLE-ŒIL (Psittacula diophthalma)  ... œil entouré supérieurement d'un trait vert bleuâtre, se terminant en avant, sur la région du Lorum par une huppe bleu tendre brillant, qui simule de loin des yeux doués d'un éclat de pierre précieuse" (Hombron & Jacquinot 1841); "CYCLOPSITTE DOUBLE ŒIL. - CYCLOPSITTA DIOPHTHALMA, Homb. et Jacq.  ... Syn. PSITTACULA DIOPHTHALMA, Homb. et Jacq. Ann. des Sciences nat., 2e série, vol. XVI, p. 318" (Jacquinot & Pucheran 1853); "Cyclopsitta was introduced by Reichenbach, Syst. Av. tab. lxxxii. 1850, where figures of a head, tail, wing, and claw are given. It seems to be a composite effort, as the head most resembles that of Trichoglossus versicolor [= Psitteuteles versicolor] Lear, the tail is unlike that of C. diophthalma Jacquinot and Pucheran, while the wing does not seem like that of any of these little parrots. It can certainly not be used for this genus, and I have rejected it as indeterminable." (Mathews 1912). At first sight the parrot labelled Cyclopsitta on Reichenbach's 1850, pl. LXXXII, appears to bear little resemblance to any fig parrot. Certainly the head has much of Lorius about it. However, Reichenbach's plate was based on Hombron & Jacquinot 1846, Voyage au Pôle Sud, Atlas Zoologique, plate 25bis, where figure B therein shows the distinctive ridged lower mandible of the genus. This was overlooked by Mathews 1912, and not included in the figures supplied by Mathews 1916/1917, Birds of Australia, VI, p. 63; "Cyclopsitta Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Syst. Nat.: 82.  Type, by subsequent designation (Pucheran, 1853, Mammif. Ois. In Hombron & Jacquinot, Voyag. Pôle Sud), Psittacula diophthalma Hombron and Jacquinot." (Beehler and Pratt, 2016, Birds New Guinea, p. 259) (see Opopsitta).
Var. Cyclopsittacus (Gr. ψιττακος psittakos  parrot), Cychlopsitta.
Synon. Manopsitta, Nannopsittacus, Opopsitta, Suavipsitta.

diophthalma / diophthalmus
Gr. δι- di-  double  < δις dis  twice  < δυο duo  two; οφθαλμος ophthalmos  eye.


Double-eyed Fig-Parrot (Double-eyed)
SCI Name: Cyclopsitta diophthalma [diophthalma Group]
(Psittacidae; Ϯ Double-eyed Fig Parrot C. diophthalma) Gr. myth. Cyclops, a race of giants in Sicily having but one eye in the middle of their foreheads  < κυκλωψ kuklōps, κυκλωπος kuklōpos  round-eyed  < κυκλος kuklos  circle; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  eye; Mod. L. psitta  parrot  < Gr. ψιττακη psittakē  parrot; "PSITTACULE DOUBLE-ŒIL (Psittacula diophthalma)  ... œil entouré supérieurement d'un trait vert bleuâtre, se terminant en avant, sur la région du Lorum par une huppe bleu tendre brillant, qui simule de loin des yeux doués d'un éclat de pierre précieuse" (Hombron & Jacquinot 1841); "CYCLOPSITTE DOUBLE ŒIL. - CYCLOPSITTA DIOPHTHALMA, Homb. et Jacq.  ... Syn. PSITTACULA DIOPHTHALMA, Homb. et Jacq. Ann. des Sciences nat., 2e série, vol. XVI, p. 318" (Jacquinot & Pucheran 1853); "Cyclopsitta was introduced by Reichenbach, Syst. Av. tab. lxxxii. 1850, where figures of a head, tail, wing, and claw are given. It seems to be a composite effort, as the head most resembles that of Trichoglossus versicolor [= Psitteuteles versicolor] Lear, the tail is unlike that of C. diophthalma Jacquinot and Pucheran, while the wing does not seem like that of any of these little parrots. It can certainly not be used for this genus, and I have rejected it as indeterminable." (Mathews 1912). At first sight the parrot labelled Cyclopsitta on Reichenbach's 1850, pl. LXXXII, appears to bear little resemblance to any fig parrot. Certainly the head has much of Lorius about it. However, Reichenbach's plate was based on Hombron & Jacquinot 1846, Voyage au Pôle Sud, Atlas Zoologique, plate 25bis, where figure B therein shows the distinctive ridged lower mandible of the genus. This was overlooked by Mathews 1912, and not included in the figures supplied by Mathews 1916/1917, Birds of Australia, VI, p. 63; "Cyclopsitta Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Syst. Nat.: 82.  Type, by subsequent designation (Pucheran, 1853, Mammif. Ois. In Hombron & Jacquinot, Voyag. Pôle Sud), Psittacula diophthalma Hombron and Jacquinot." (Beehler and Pratt, 2016, Birds New Guinea, p. 259) (see Opopsitta).
Var. Cyclopsittacus (Gr. ψιττακος psittakos  parrot), Cychlopsitta.
Synon. Manopsitta, Nannopsittacus, Opopsitta, Suavipsitta.

Double-eyed Fig-Parrot (Coxen's)
SCI Name: Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni
Charles Coxen (1809-1876) English naturalist, settler and parliamentarian in Australia (Cyclopsitta).