Ameline Swiftlet

Ameline Swiftlet / Aerodramus amelis

Ameline Swiftlet

Here the details of the Ameline Swiftlet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Aerodramus amelis
Protonym:  Collocalia unicolor amelis Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philadelphia 58 p.180,193
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Apodidae /
Taxonomy Code:  palswi2
Type Locality:  Irisan, Benguet, Luzon.
Publish Year:  1906
IUCN Status:  


(Apodidae; Ϯ Himalayan Swiftlet A. brevirostris innominatus) Gr. αηρ aēr, αερος aeros  air; -δρομος -dromos  -racer  < τρεχω trekhō  to run; "A.—Tarsus more or less feathered (subgenus Aerodramus).  ...  AERODRAMUS, 6 subgenus nov.   Chars. subgen.— Similar in proportions to the subgenus Collocalia, but tarsus more or less feathered.  Type.— Collocalia innominata Hume.   ...   6 αηρ, aer; δραμειν, cursare." (Oberholser 1906); "Aerodramus Oberholser, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 58, 1906, p. 179 (in key), p. 182.  Type, by original designation, Collocalia innominata Hume." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 220).
Synon. Zoonava.

Gr. αμελης amelēs  negligent, careless  < αμελεω ameleō  to be negligent; "It may, however, be quite generally distributed over the East India Islands, and may have been recorded as Collocalia fuciphaga from various localities, since hitherto it seems to have been confused with that species, because its unfeathered tarsi were not considered significant" (Oberholser 1906) (subsp. Aerodramus vanikorensis).


Ameline Swiftlet (amelis)
SCI Name: Aerodramus amelis amelis
Gr. αμελης amelēs  negligent, careless  < αμελεω ameleō  to be negligent; "It may, however, be quite generally distributed over the East India Islands, and may have been recorded as Collocalia fuciphaga from various localities, since hitherto it seems to have been confused with that species, because its unfeathered tarsi were not considered significant" (Oberholser 1906) (subsp. Aerodramus vanikorensis).

Ameline Swiftlet (palawanensis)
SCI Name: Aerodramus amelis palawanensis
palawana / palawanense / palawanensis / palawanorum / palawanus
Palawan, Philippines.