Rufous Piculet

Rufous Piculet / Sasia abnormis

Rufous Piculet

Here the details of the Rufous Piculet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Sasia abnormis
Protonym:  Picumnus abnormis Pl.Col. livr.62 pl.371 fig.3
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Picidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rufpic1
Type Locality:  Java.
Publish Year:  1825
IUCN Status:  


(Picidae; Ϯ White-browed Piculet S. ochracea) Nepalese name Sasya for the White-browed Piculet; "Genus new; Sasia, nobis.  Sasya of Nipal.  Generic character. Bill equal to the head, conico-compressed, pointed and entire; the base furnished with tufts of hair as in Bucco.  ... Tail short, soft and square  ...  Feet three-toed, hind toe stoutest, sub-equal in length to outer fore; inner fore connected to first joint. Nails somewhat straightened and obtuse.  ...  Type, Sasia ochracea, nobis.   Species new. Ochracea; Ochreous red Sasia." (Hodgson 1836).
Var. Sesia, Saria.
Synon. Comeris, Dryaltes, Microcolaptes, Picumnoides.

(Scotocercidae; Ϯ Grey-bellied Tesia T. cyaniventer) Nepalese name Tisi for the Grey-bellied Tesia; "Aipunemia? Tesia, nobis; Tee-see of the Nipalese.   Bill shorter than the head, straight, and with the nares* perfectly Cincline. Wings very feeble, and quite round. Tail nearly obsolete. Rictus and capistrum smooth. Tarsi very high, slender, and quite smooth. Toes and nails meruline, slender, and compressed.   1st Species. Cyaniventer; blue-bellied, nobis.  ...  2nd Species.  Flaviventer; yellow-bellied, nobis.  ...  3rd Species. Albiventer, nobis.  ...  4th Species. Rufiventer, nobis.  ...  These little birds have a very strong muscular stomach, and feed on hard grass seeds and hard minute insects. They procure their food entirely on the ground, and live in woods exclusively.  ...   *In Aipunemia the covering of the nares is corneous: in Tesia, it is pure membrane. In the former, again, the tarsal scales are apparent; whilst in Tesia there is no trace of them" (Hodgson 1837); "Tesia Hodgson, 1837, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 6, p. 101. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 27), T. cyaniventris Hodgson = Tesia cyaniventer Hodgson." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 5).
Var. Sesia.
Synon. Anura, Microcercus, Pseudoxenicus.

L. abnormis  irregular, abnormal  < ab  away from; norma  rule, standard.
● "PICUMNE ABNORME.  PICUMNUS ABNORMIS. TEMM.  ...  Nous avons reçu de Java  ...  le petit Picumne tridactyle dont nous offrons ici le portrait.  Il est de la taille des autres espèces de l'Amérique méridionale; son bec et toutes ses formes portent les mêmes caractères, et il ne diffère que par le manque du doigt postérieur interne, remplacé par une petite callosité; sa queue est plus courte et carrée." (Temminck 1825) (Sasia).


Rufous Piculet (abnormis)
SCI Name: Sasia abnormis abnormis
L. abnormis  irregular, abnormal  < ab  away from; norma  rule, standard.
● "PICUMNE ABNORME.  PICUMNUS ABNORMIS. TEMM.  ...  Nous avons reçu de Java  ...  le petit Picumne tridactyle dont nous offrons ici le portrait.  Il est de la taille des autres espèces de l'Amérique méridionale; son bec et toutes ses formes portent les mêmes caractères, et il ne diffère que par le manque du doigt postérieur interne, remplacé par une petite callosité; sa queue est plus courte et carrée." (Temminck 1825) (Sasia).

Rufous Piculet (magnirostris)
SCI Name: Sasia abnormis magnirostris
magnirostre / magnirostris
L. magnus  great; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.
● ex “Alouette à Gros Bec” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 193 (Galerida).
● ex “Épervier à gros bec de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 464, and “Great-billed Falcon” of Latham 1781 (Rupornis).