Bimaculated Lark

Bimaculated Lark / Melanocorypha bimaculata

Bimaculated Lark

Here the details of the Bimaculated Lark named bird below:

SCI Name:  Melanocorypha bimaculata
Protonym:  Alauda bimaculata Cat.Raison.Obj.Zool.Recueil.Voy.Caucase p.37
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Alaudidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bimlar1
Type Locality:  mountains near Talysh, Transcaucasia.
Publish Year:  1832
IUCN Status:  


(Alaudidae; Ϯ Black Lark M. yeltoniensis) Gr. μελαγκορυφος melankoruphos  unidentified black-headed bird, mentioned by Aristotle (probably confused by Boie with Gr. κορυδος korudos  crested lark   < κορυς korus, κορυθος koruthos  helmet, or κορυθος koruthos  unidentified crested bird); "Gattung Melanocorypha.1 ...  Hieher aus Europa:  1. Alauda calandra Lin.    Africa:  2. crassirostris Vaill.  3. deserti Lichst.  4. melanocephala Lichst.  5. saxicoloides — Vaill. Afr. pl. 191.    Asien: 5 [sic]. Alauda tatarica Pall.  7. mongolica Pall.   Man kennt die Lebensweise der hier vereinigten Vögel noch zu wenig, um darüber entscheiden zu dürfen, ob solche mit der Horsfieldschen Alauda javanica, dem Typus der Gattung Mirafra des leßteren vereinigt bleiben können.   ...   Mελανοκορυφος, Aristot." (Boie 1828); "Melanocorypha Boie, 1828, Isis von Oken, 21, col. 322. Type, by subsequent designation, M. tatarica (L.) Boie, Mus. Carls., fasc. j., pl. 19 — Alauda tatarica Pallas = Alauda yeltoniensis Forster (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Birds, 1840, p. 48)." (Peters 1960, IX, 40).
Var. Melancorypha.
Synon. Calandra, Calandrina, Corydon, Corydus, Londra, Melanocoryphoides, Nigrilauda, Pallasia, Pterocorys, Saxilauda.

melancorypha / melancoryphus
L. melancoryphus  unknown bird, variously identified  < Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; κορυφη koruphē  head.

bimaculata / bimaculatus
Mod. L. bimaculatus  two-spotted, double-spotted  < L. bi-  double  < bis  twice; maculatus  spotted  < maculare  to make spotted  < macula  spot.