Oriole Cuckooshrike

Oriole Cuckooshrike / Lobotos oriolinus

Oriole Cuckooshrike

Here the details of the Oriole Cuckooshrike named bird below:

SCI Name:  Lobotos oriolinus
Protonym:  Lobotus oriolinus Bull.Br.Orn.Club 25 p.14
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Campephagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  oricus1
Type Locality:  Assobam, River Bumba, Cameroons.
Publish Year:  1909
IUCN Status:  


(Campephagidae; Ϯ Western Wattled Cuckooshrike L. lobatus) Gr. λοβος lobos  lobe (cf. specific name Ceblepyris lobatus Temminck, 1824). Reichenbach's 1850, plate LIV, labelled Turdinae: Pycnonotinae, shows the distinct and large gape-wattle of the male bird; "Lobotos Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 54, fig. 12, generic details only; species added by Hartlaub, 1854, Journ. f. Orn., 2, p. 31. Type, by monotypy, Lobotos temminckii Reichenbach = Ceblepyris lobatus Temminck." (Peters 1960, IX, 204).
Var. Lobotus.
Synon. Cyrtes.

Mod. L. oriolinus  oriole-like (i.e. golden-yellow)  < genus Oriolus Linnaeus, 1766, oriole.

(syn. Ploceus Ϯ African Golden Weaver P. subaureus) German name Oriolin given to these weavers by Reichenbach 1863, from their golden-yellow plumage, pendulous nests and oriole-like bill (cf. Mod. L. oriolinus  oriole-like  < genus Oriolus Linnaeus, 1766, oriole); "LXV.  Oriolinus RCHB.  Pirolin.  Kopf flach, Schnabel gestreckt, gerade, ziemlich kopflang, Schneiden wenig eingezogen.  Flügel: Schwinge 1 sehr kurz verkümmert, 2 = 5, 3 = 4 längste, folgende abnehmend.  Schwanz breitfederig, abgerundet, ziemlich kurz, Lauf stark, etwas länger als Mittelzehe ohne Nagel, Nägel stark und gebogen.    314. O. subaureus (Ploceus — A. SM. Proceed. S.-Afr. Instit. Apr. 1832. S.-Afr. Ill. t. 30. f. 1 ♂.) RCHB.  ...  315—16. O. capensis (Ploceus — A. SMITH Proceed. of S.-Afr. Inst. 1832. S.-Afr. Ill. t. LXVI. f. 2. ♂.) RCHB.  Der Cap-Oriolin.   ...   317—18. O. aurifrons (Ploceus — TEMM. col. pl. 175. 176. ♂♀.) RCHB.  Der goldstirnige Oriolin." (Reichenbach 1863); "Oriolinus Reichenbach, 1863, Handb. Orn. [= Singvögel], p. 84. Type, by subsequent designation, Ploceus subaureus Smith (Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds Brit.Mus., 13, p. 437)." (Moreau in Peters 1962, XV, 33).