Yellow-crowned Gonolek

Yellow-crowned Gonolek / Laniarius barbarus

Yellow-crowned Gonolek

Here the details of the Yellow-crowned Gonolek named bird below:

SCI Name:  Laniarius barbarus
Protonym:  Lanius barbarus Syst.Nat.ed.12 ed.12 p.137
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Malaconotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  comgon1
Type Locality:  Senegal.
Publish Year:  1766
IUCN Status:  


(Malaconotidae; Ϯ Yellow-crowned Gonolek L. barbarus) Genus Lanius Linnaeus, 1758, shrike; "128. GONOLEK, Laniarius.  Lanius, Linn. Gm. Lath.  Bec nu à la base, un peu grêle, convexe en dessus, droit, comprimé; mandibule supérieure échancrée et crochue vers le bout; l'inférieure aiguë et retroussée à la pointe. — Bouche ciliée. — Ailes à penne bâtarde; le deuxe. remige la plus longue.   Esp. Gonolek, Buff." (Vieillot 1816); "Laniarius Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 41. Type, by monotypy, "Gonolek" Buffon = Lanius barbarus Linnaeus." (Rand in Peters 1960, IX, 326).
Var. Lanairius, Lanarius, Lanirius.
Synon. Diplophoneus, Pelecinius, Rhynchastatus, Thamnocataphus.

● Barbary Coast, North Africa (see barbara); TL. Wadi Kasserine, Tunisia (syn. Bubo ascalaphus).
● “41. FALCO.  ...  barbarus.  6. F. cera pedibusque luteis, corpore cærulescente fuscoque maculato, pectore immaculato, cauda fasciata.  Falco tunetanus. Alb. av. 3. p. 2. t. 2.  Habitat in Barbaria." (Linnaeus 1758).  This epithet is the twelfth name and second toponym in avian nomenclature (syn. Falco pelegrinoides).
● Error for L. barbatus  bearded; ex “Vultur barbatus” of Brisson 1760, and “Bearded Vulture” of Edwards 1743-1751, and Latham 1781 (syn. Gypaetus barbatus).
● L. barbarus  savage, wild, barbarous; ex “Pie-grièche rouge du Sénégal” of Brisson 1760 (Laniarius) (cf. L. barbarus  a rustic name for the European Bee-eater).
● Santa Barbara, Vera Paz, Guatemala (Megascops).
● Barbary Coast, North Africa; TL. Middle Atlas, Morocco (subsp. Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax).


Yellow-crowned Gonolek (helenae)
SCI Name: Laniarius barbarus helenae
• Renée Marie Jeanne Hélène Lavauden (1912-1989) daughter of French naturalist and forester Louis Lavauden (subsp. Galerida cristata).
• Helen McMahon Cutting (1894-1961) wife of US explorer C. Suydam Cutting (subsp. Harpactes erythrocephalus).
• Gr. myth. Helen of Troy, “the face that launched a thousand ships, and burnt the topless towers of Ilium,” wife to Menelaüs and the most beautiful woman of her age (Hypothymis).
• Helen or Ellen Kelsall née Owens (1873-1930) wife of Colonel H. J. Kelsall, collector in tropical Africa 1910-1913 (subsp. Laniarius barbarus).
• Helen Luise Elisabeth Herzogin zu Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Princesse d’Orléans (1814-1858) wife of patron of natural history Ferdinand Philippe Duc d’Orléans (Lophornis).
• Elena de Faz Booth y Tinto (d. 1850) wife of Cuban plantation owner Carlos Booth y Tinto, who befriended Gundlach (Mellisuga).
• Helen Mackenzie McConnell née Alexander (1871-1954) wife of English collector F. V. McConnell (subsp. Neopipo cinnamomea).
• Helena Forde née Scott (1832-1910) Australian entomologist, oologist and artist (subsp. Parotia lawesii).
• Helena Mary Ann Oates née Blythe (1865-1903) wife of English naturalist Eugene W. Oates (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (syn. Polyplectron bicalcaratum).
• Helen Livingston Greenway née Scott (1903-1985) first wife of US ornithologist James C. Greenway, Jr. (Paul Scofield in litt.) (subsp. Stachyris strialata).

Yellow-crowned Gonolek (barbarus)
SCI Name: Laniarius barbarus barbarus
● Barbary Coast, North Africa (see barbara); TL. Wadi Kasserine, Tunisia (syn. Bubo ascalaphus).
● “41. FALCO.  ...  barbarus.  6. F. cera pedibusque luteis, corpore cærulescente fuscoque maculato, pectore immaculato, cauda fasciata.  Falco tunetanus. Alb. av. 3. p. 2. t. 2.  Habitat in Barbaria." (Linnaeus 1758).  This epithet is the twelfth name and second toponym in avian nomenclature (syn. Falco pelegrinoides).
● Error for L. barbatus  bearded; ex “Vultur barbatus” of Brisson 1760, and “Bearded Vulture” of Edwards 1743-1751, and Latham 1781 (syn. Gypaetus barbatus).
● L. barbarus  savage, wild, barbarous; ex “Pie-grièche rouge du Sénégal” of Brisson 1760 (Laniarius) (cf. L. barbarus  a rustic name for the European Bee-eater).
● Santa Barbara, Vera Paz, Guatemala (Megascops).
● Barbary Coast, North Africa; TL. Middle Atlas, Morocco (subsp. Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax).