Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove

Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove / Turtur chalcospilos

Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove

Here the details of the Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove named bird below:

SCI Name:  Turtur chalcospilos
Protonym:  Columba Chalcospilos Syst.Av. Columba sp.83
Taxonomy:  Columbiformes / Columbidae /
Taxonomy Code:  eswdov1
Type Locality:  South Africa = eastern Cape Province.
Publish Year:  1827
IUCN Status:  


(Columbidae; Ϯ Blue-spotted Wood Dove T. afer) L. turtur, turturis  turtle dove; "160. Tourterelle du Senegal. BUFF. VI. p. 394.  BRISS. Ornith. I. p. 122. pl. X. f. 1.  Turtur afra, LINN. 104. 34." (Boddaert 1783); "Turtur Boddaert, Tabl Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 10. Type, by monotypy, Columba afra Linné." (Peters 1937, III, 112).
Synon. Calopelia, Chalcopelia, Chalcoptera.
● (syn. Streptopelia Ϯ "Turtle Dove S. risorius" (= domesticated Eurasian Collared Dove S. decaocto or African Collared Dove S. roseogrisea)) "Genus TURTUR.   THE birds belonging to this group are distinguished by their bill, which is slenderer in its proportions than that of the Pigeons.  ...  As an example of the genus, we present our readers with a figure of the well known  COLLARED TURTLE Turtur risorius  ...  Besides the wild turtle known to us as a regular summer visitant in the southern districts of England, the Columba maculicollis and the Columba aurita of Temminck, and several others belong to the group, of which the present species may be considered a type." (Selby 1835).    Var. Turtus.

L. turtur, turturis  turtle dove.
● "92. COLUMBA.  ...  Turtur.  20. C. rectricibus apice albis, dorso griseo, pectore incarnato, macula laterali colli.  Turtur. Will. orn. 134. t. 35. Raj. av. 61. Alb. av. 2. p. 43. t. 47.  Habitat in India." (Linnaeus 1758) (Streptopelia).

Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze; σπιλος spilos spot.