
Dapple-throat / Arcanator orostruthus


Here the details of the Dapple-throat named bird below:

SCI Name:  Arcanator orostruthus
Protonym:  Phyllastrephus orostruthus Bull.Br.Orn.Club 53 p.133
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Modulatricidae /
Taxonomy Code:  dapthr1
Type Locality:  Namuli Mt., Portuguese East Africa, 4,800 feet; 51°21''S., 37°04''E.
Publish Year:  1933
IUCN Status:  


(Modulatricidae; Ϯ Dapple-throat A. orostruthus) L. arcanus  secret, hidden  < arca  money-box  < arcere  to shut. Alluding to the confused and obscure taxonomic history of the Dapple-throat or Dappled Mountain-robin; "Prima facie, M. orostruthus is anomalous rather than aberrant, but a re-evaluation of its status confirms that Benson & Irwin were justified in recommending its transfer from the Pycnonotidae to the Turdidae. However, their decision in 1975 that the species stictigula and orostruthus are congeneric is now seen as unsustainable. The 2 taxa differ in a wide range of both morphological and plumage features ... The long, notched and awl-shaped bill, very short rictal bristles and bulbul-like, or even rock pipit-like, ventral aspect of M. orostruthus reveal the basis of the reasoning behind Vincent's initial referral of this species to the genus Phyllastrephus" (Irwin & Clancey 1986); "Arcanator Irwin and Clancey, 1986, Bull. British Ornith. Club, 106 (3), p. 112.  Type, by original designation, Phyllastrephus orostruthus Vincent, 1933." (JAJ 2020).

Gr. ορος oros, ορεος oreos  mountain; στρουθος strouthos  sparrow, small bird.


Dapple-throat (amani)
SCI Name: Arcanator orostruthus amani
Amani Forest, Usambara, Tanganyika / Tanzania.

Dapple-throat (sanjei)
SCI Name: Arcanator orostruthus sanjei
Sanje, Mwanihana Forest, Morogoro, eastern Tanzania.

Dapple-throat (orostruthus)
SCI Name: Arcanator orostruthus orostruthus
Gr. ορος oros, ορεος oreos  mountain; στρουθος strouthos  sparrow, small bird.