Javan Gray-throated White-eye

Javan Gray-throated White-eye / Lophozosterops javanicus

Javan Gray-throated White-eye

Here the details of the Javan Gray-throated White-eye named bird below:

SCI Name:  Lophozosterops javanicus
Protonym:  Sylvia Javanica Trans.Linn.Soc.London(1), 13 p.156
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Zosteropidae /
Taxonomy Code:  jgtwhe1
Type Locality:  Java.
Publish Year:  1821
IUCN Status:  


(syn. Heleia Ϯ Crested White-eye H. dohertyi) Gr. λοφος lophos  crest; genus Zosterops Vigors & Horsfield, 1826, white-eye; "Lophozosterops gen. nov.   A series of a pretty little bird from the mountain of Tambora cannot, without violence, be united with any genus known to us.  I am, therefore, obliged to create a new genus for its reception.  In its wing-formula it agrees best with Zosterops, to which genus it seems most nearly allied.  The nasal aperture is covered from above with a strong operculum, the beak rather strong and stout.  Tail shaped as in Zosterops.  Tarsus distinctly, though only about 4 mm., longer than middle toe with claw, and covered with seven or eight strongly marked scutellae.  Wing longer than tail.  Plumage soft and full, as in Zosterops.  Eye surrounded by a narrow ring of white feathers.  Head with a full crest.  Coloration above olive, below yellow; crested top of head of different colour, i.e. blackish brown with white streaks.   Type: Lophozosterops dohertyi.   *15. Lophozosterops dohertyi sp. nov.  ...  Hab. Volcano of Tambora [Sumbawa], 1000 to 3000 feet high." (Hartert 1896).

javanicus / javanus / javensis
Java, Dutch East Indies / Indonesia.
● ex “Sarcelle de Java” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 930 (syn. Anas falcata).
● ex “Calao Javan” of Levaillant 1801 (syn. Rhyticeros undulatus).


Javan Gray-throated White-eye (frontalis)
SCI Name: Lophozosterops javanicus frontalis
frontale / frontalis
L. frontalis  fronted, frontal  < frontalia or frontale  frontlet  < frons, frontis  forehead, brow (ref. distinctive, contrastingly coloured forehead patch, usually black or red).
● ex “Faucon Huppé” of Levaillant 1798, pl. 28 (syn. Crinifer piscator).
● Front Range, Rocky Mts., Colorado, USA (syn. Otus flammeolus).
● ex “Perruche Ara à Bandeau Rouge” of Levaillant 1801 (Pyrrhura).

Javan Gray-throated White-eye (javanicus)
SCI Name: Lophozosterops javanicus javanicus
javanicus / javanus / javensis
Java, Dutch East Indies / Indonesia.
● ex “Sarcelle de Java” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 930 (syn. Anas falcata).
● ex “Calao Javan” of Levaillant 1801 (syn. Rhyticeros undulatus).

Javan Gray-throated White-eye (elongatus)
SCI Name: Lophozosterops javanicus elongatus
elongata / elongatus
Late L. elongatus elongated, protracted < L. elongare to prolong.