Buller’s Albatross

Buller\'s Albatross / Thalassarche bulleri

Buller's Albatross

Here the details of the Buller's Albatross named bird below:

SCI Name:  Thalassarche bulleri
Protonym:  Diomedea bulleri Bull.Br.Orn.Club 1 p.58
Taxonomy:  Procellariiformes / Diomedeidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bulalb2
Type Locality:  New Zealand.
Publish Year:  1893
IUCN Status:  


(Diomedeidae; Ϯ Black-browed Albatross T. melanophris) Gr. θαλασσα thalassa, θαλασσης thalassēs  sea; αρχη arkhē  power, command  < αρχω arkhō  to govern; "Genera et Species typicæ.  ...  c. *Thalassarche Rchb. melanophrys (Diomed. — T.) Rchb.  Ic. Av. t. 26. ic. 346 et t. 28. ic. 797—798.  t. 27. ic. 2614—15 et t. 28. ic. 796.  t.29. ic. 799—800." (Reichenbach 1853); "Thalassarche Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., p. v, "1852" (= 1853)—type, by monotypy [= by original designation], Diomedea melanophris Temminck." (Hellmayr & Conover 1948, XIII, 41).
Var. Thalassiarche.
Synon. Diomedella, Nealbatrus, Thalassogeron.

● Sir Walter Lawry Buller (1838-1906) New Zealand barrister, ornithologist, collector (syn. Anthochaera carunculata (ex Mimus carunculatus Buller, 1865), syn. Apteryx mantelliArdenna, Larus (ex Bruchigavia melanorhyncha Buller, 1869), syn. Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus, syn. Petroica australis, Thalassarche).
● Kenneth Gordon Buller (1915-1995) English collector, emigrated to Australia 1926, taxidermist at Western Australian Mus., Perth (syn. Pachycephala lanioides carnarvoni).