Blue-browed Tanager

Blue-browed Tanager / Tangara cyanotis

Blue-browed Tanager

Here the details of the Blue-browed Tanager named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tangara cyanotis
Protonym:  Calliste cyanotis Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt26 no.365 p.294
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thraupidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blbtan3
Type Locality:  from some district in the interior of Peru . . . from the neighbourhood bordering on Bolivia ; according to Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 119, type may have come from the Yungas of La Paz.
Publish Year:  1858
IUCN Status:  


(Thraupidae; Ϯ Paradise Tanager T. chilensis paradisea) Tupí name Tangara  dancer, one who turns and skips, for the manakins but subsequently (Marcgrave 1648) transferred to other bright finch-like birds (cf. Brazilian Portuguese name Dançador; Wayāpi name Tängala; genus Saltator); "Genus Tangaræ (1).  ...  (1) Tangara, nomen Brasilianum, quibusdam hujus generic speciebus inditum.    Le genre du Tangara (1).  ...  (1) Tangara, nom qu'on donne au Brésil à quelques especes de ce genre.  ...  ** 1. LE TANGARA.  Tangara superne splendide nigra, inferne Beryllina; uropygio flammeo; capite superius & ad latera viridi; collo inferiore cœruleo-violaceo; remigibus majoribus exterius cœruleo-violaceis, interius nigris; minoribus & rectricibus splendide nigris. . . . .TANGARA." (Brisson 1760): ex "Tangara Brasiliensibus" of Marcgrave 1648, Jonston 1650-1653, Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, and "Avicula de Tatao" of Seba 1735; "Tangara Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 3. Type, by tautonymy, Tangara Brisson = Aglaïa paradisea Swainson." (Storer in Peters 1970, XIII, 359).   
Var. Tanara.   
Synon. Aglaia, Calliste, Calospiza, Chalcothraupis, Chrysothraupis, Diva, Euprepiste, Euschemon, Gyrola, Hypothlypis, Ixothraupis, Poecilostreptus, Procnopis, Stilpnia, Tanagraoides, Tanagrella, Tatao, Thraupis.

cyanotis / cyanotos
Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue; -ωτις -ōtis -eared < ους ous, ωτος ōtos ear.
● ex “Grand Grimpar” of Levaillant 1807 (?syn. Xiphocolaptes albicollis).

(Tyrannidae; syn. Tachuris Many-coloured Rush Tyrant T. rubrigastra) Gr. κυανος kuanos  dark-blue; -ωτις -ōtis  -eared  < ους ous, ωτος ōtos  ear; "Cyanotis, Sw.  Habit of Regulus.  Wings slightly rounded; the first and second quill very little shorter than tht third.  Tail rounded, obtuse.  Feet uncommonly large and slender.  Inner toe much shorter than the outer.  Claws very long, and but slightly curved.   Brazil.   R. omnicolor. Vieil.   ...  This seems the tropical representation of Regulus: it is at once known by its disproportionately long toes and claws. It is the Reg. Byronensis of Griff. Cuv." (Swainson 1837); "Cyanotis Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 243.  Type, by monotypy, Regulus omnicolor Vieillot, 1824 = Sylvia rubrigastra Vieillot, 1817." (JAJ 2021).


Blue-browed Tanager (lutleyi)
SCI Name: Tangara cyanotis lutleyi
Philip Lutley Sclater (1829-1913) English ornithologist, collector (subsp. Tangara cyanotis (ex Calliste melanotis P. L. Sclater, 1876)).

Blue-browed Tanager (cyanotis)
SCI Name: Tangara cyanotis cyanotis
cyanotis / cyanotos
Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue; -ωτις -ōtis -eared < ους ous, ωτος ōtos ear.
● ex “Grand Grimpar” of Levaillant 1807 (?syn. Xiphocolaptes albicollis).