Brown Accentor

Brown Accentor / Prunella fulvescens

Brown Accentor

Here the details of the Brown Accentor named bird below:

SCI Name:  Prunella fulvescens
Protonym:  Accentor fulvescens Vertik.Turk.Zhiv.(1872) -1872 p.132
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Prunellidae /
Taxonomy Code:  broacc1
Type Locality:  Turkestan [reference not verified] .
Publish Year:  1873
IUCN Status:  


(Prunellidae; Ϯ Dunnock P. modularis) German Braunelle  Dunnock  < dim. braun  brown (cf. Med. L. burneta  hedge-sparrow), from the rufous-brown upperparts of the familiar and homely Dunnock; "Braunelle.  ...  Herr Hallen hat ihm mit Recht den Namen des braunen Fliegenstechers gegeben" (Günther 1772); "MOUCHET, Prunella, Gessner.  Motacilla, Linn. Gm.  Sylvia, Lath.  Bec fin, droit, subulé, aigu, à bords courbés en dedans; mandibules égales; la supérieure un peu inclinée et entaillée à la pointe. — Ailes courtes, à penne bâtarde; la première remige plus courte que la cinquième; la troisième la plus longue.  Esp. Fauvette de haie, Buff." (Vieillot 1816); "Prunella Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 43. Type, by monotypy, "Fauvette de haie" Buffon = Motacilla modularis Linnaeus." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 3).
Synon. Accentor, Aprunella, Braunella, Laiscopus, Rhododendroeca, Spermolegus, Tharrhaleus.

Med. L. fulvescens, fulvescentis  glowing yellow  < fulvescere  to glow yellow  < L. fulvus  tawny.
● See: furvescens


Brown Accentor (fulvescens)
SCI Name: Prunella fulvescens fulvescens
Med. L. fulvescens, fulvescentis  glowing yellow  < fulvescere  to glow yellow  < L. fulvus  tawny.
● See: furvescens

Brown Accentor (dahurica)
SCI Name: Prunella fulvescens dahurica
dahurica / dahuricus
Dauria, south-eastern Siberia.

Brown Accentor (dresseri)
SCI Name: Prunella fulvescens dresseri
Henry Eeles Dresser (1838-1915) English traveller, ornithologist, oologist (subsp. Atlapetes leucopterus, syn. Lagopus lagopus scotica, syn. Merops boehmi, subsp. Poecile palustris, subsp. Prunella fulvescens (ex Accentor fulvescens pallidus Dresser, 1895), subsp. Sitta tephronota, subsp. Somateria mollissima, syn. Sturnus vulgaris porphyronotus).

Brown Accentor (nanschanica)
SCI Name: Prunella fulvescens nanschanica
nanschanica / nanschanicus / nanshanica / nanshanicae
Nan Shan Ranges (= Qilian Shan), Chinghai/Kansu, China.

Brown Accentor (khamensis)
SCI Name: Prunella fulvescens khamensis
Kham, a region of eastern Tibet and western Szechwan, China.

Brown Accentor (sushkini)
SCI Name: Prunella fulvescens sushkini
Prof. Dr Petr Petrovich Sushkin (1868-1928) Russian zoologist, palaeontologist (syn. Alauda arvensis kiborti, syn. Emberiza aureola, subsp. Leucosticte arctoa, syn. Linaria flavirostris miniakensis, subsp. Numenius arquata, syn. Prunella fulvescens khamensis (ex Prunella fulvescens tibetana Sushkin, 1925), syn. Rubicilla rubicilla kobdensis).