Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove / Macropygia amboinensis

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove

Here the details of the Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove named bird below:

SCI Name:  Macropygia amboinensis
Protonym:  Columba amboinensis Syst.Nat.ed.12 ed.12 p.286
Taxonomy:  Columbiformes / Columbidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sbcdov1
Type Locality:  Amboina.
Publish Year:  1766
IUCN Status:  


(Columbidae; Ϯ Philippine Cuckoo Dove M. tenuirostris) Gr. μακρος makros  deep; -πυγιος -pugios  -rumped  < πυγη pugē  rump; "Macropygia, Sw.   Wings moderate, rounded; the first and second quills graduated, and much shorter than the third.  Tail long, graduated; the feathers very broad and obtuse. The rump feathers very thick set.  Bill short: the gonys angulated.  Tarsus plumed.  Hinder toe longer than the tarsus.   M. phasianella. Pl. Col. 100.   Reinwardii. Ib. 248.   infuscata. Lich. (Brazil.)" (Swainson 1837); "Macropygia Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 348. Type, by subsequent designation, Columba phasianella Temminck, 1824, pl. col. 100. (not Columba phasianella Temminck 1821)  = Macropygia tenuirostris Bonaparte (Salvadori, Orn. Pap. e Mol., 3, 1882, p. 132)....  1 Gray mentions two species in 1840 and again in 1841 without designating a type; in 1855 he designates amboinensis which was not one of the originally included species. Strangely enough neither Bonaparte nor Reichenbach actually designated a type." (Peters 1937, III, 75).
Var. Hacropygia.
Synon. Coccyzura, Tusalia.

amboinense / amboinensis / amboynensis
Amboina or Amboyna, Moluccas, Dutch East Indies / Ambon, Indonesia.
● ex “Psittaca Amboinensis coccinea” of Brisson 1760 (Alisterus).
● ex “Turtur Amboinensis” of Brisson 1760 (Macropygia).
● ex “Figuier Rouge” of Levaillant 1803, fig. 136 (unident.;?syn. Myzomela sp.).
● ex “Avis amboinensis” or “Calatti” of Seba 1734-1765, “Tangara amboinensis caerulea” of Brisson 1760, and “Amboina Tanager” of Latham 1783 (unident.).
● ex “Avicula amboinensis cinerea” of Seba 1734-1765, “Merula amboinensis” of Brisson 1760, “Merle d’Amboine” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Amboine Thrush” of Latham 1783 (unident.).


Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove (amboinensis)
SCI Name: Macropygia amboinensis amboinensis
amboinense / amboinensis / amboynensis
Amboina or Amboyna, Moluccas, Dutch East Indies / Ambon, Indonesia.
● ex “Psittaca Amboinensis coccinea” of Brisson 1760 (Alisterus).
● ex “Turtur Amboinensis” of Brisson 1760 (Macropygia).
● ex “Figuier Rouge” of Levaillant 1803, fig. 136 (unident.;?syn. Myzomela sp.).
● ex “Avis amboinensis” or “Calatti” of Seba 1734-1765, “Tangara amboinensis caerulea” of Brisson 1760, and “Amboina Tanager” of Latham 1783 (unident.).
● ex “Avicula amboinensis cinerea” of Seba 1734-1765, “Merula amboinensis” of Brisson 1760, “Merle d’Amboine” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Amboine Thrush” of Latham 1783 (unident.).

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove (keyensis)
SCI Name: Macropygia amboinensis keyensis
Key Is., Moluccas, Dutch East Indies / Kai or Kei Is., Indonesia.

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove (maforensis)
SCI Name: Macropygia amboinensis maforensis
mafoorana / maforense / maforensis
Mafor I. (= Numfoor), Geelvink Bay, New Guinea.

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove (griseinucha)
SCI Name: Macropygia amboinensis griseinucha
Med. L. griseum  grey; nuchus  nape  < Arabic nukhā'  spinal marrow.

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove (meeki)
SCI Name: Macropygia amboinensis meeki
meeki / meekiana
Albert Stewart Meek (1871-1943) English explorer, collector in New Guinea, Melanesia and Australia (syn. Amaurornis cinerea, subsp. Cacomantis flabelliformis, syn. Caprimulgus macrurus schlegelii, Ceyx, Charmosyna, syn. Coracina papuensis angustifronsCorvus, subsp. Dicrurus bracteatus, subsp. Edolisoma melas, Erythropitta, subsp. Loriculus aurantiifrons, subsp. Macropygia amboinensis, subsp. Melanocharis versteri, subsp. Melanorectes nigrescens, ‡Microgoura, Micropsitta, syn. Myzomela obscura fumata, Ninox, subsp. Oedistoma pygmaeum, subsp. Pachycephala leucogastra, subsp. Parotia carolae, subsp. Podargus ocellatus, syn. Psittaculirostris desmarestii godmani, Ptiloprora, subsp. Sericornis papuensis, subsp. Syma torotoro, subsp. Symposiachrus browni, subsp. Tyto alba, Zosterops).

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove (admiralitatis)
SCI Name: Macropygia amboinensis admiralitatis
Admiralty Is., New Guinea / Manus Province, Papua New Guinea.

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove (hueskeri)
SCI Name: Macropygia amboinensis hueskeri
Dr Carl Hüsker (1849-1928) German hydrographer, explorer in the Bismarck Archipelago 1875 (subsp. Macropygia amboinensis, syn. Megapodius eremita).

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove (carteretia)
SCI Name: Macropygia amboinensis carteretia
Rear-Adm. Philip Carteret (1733-1796) Royal Navy, world circumnavigator 1767-1769, whose discoveries included Duke of York Is., Pitcairn I., and Carteret Is. (subsp. Macropygia amboinensis).

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove (cinereiceps)
SCI Name: Macropygia amboinensis cinereiceps
L. cinereus  ash-coloured  < cinis, cineris  ashes; -ceps  -headed  < caput, capitis  head.

Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove (cunctata)
SCI Name: Macropygia amboinensis cunctata
L. cunctatus hesitant, delaying, late < cunctari to delay.