Orange-bellied Flowerpecker

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker / Dicaeum trigonostigma

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker

Here the details of the Orange-bellied Flowerpecker named bird below:

SCI Name:  Dicaeum trigonostigma
Protonym:  Certhia trigonostigma Del.Flor.Faun.Insubr. 2 p.91
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Dicaeidae /
Taxonomy Code:  orbflo1
Type Locality:  China [= Malaya] ; restricted to Malacea by Robinson and Kloss, 1924, Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 5, no. 3, p. 388; further restricted to port of Malacca by Oberholser, 1932, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 159, p. 119.
Publish Year:  1786
IUCN Status:  


(Dicaeidae; Ϯ Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker D. cruentatum) Gr. δικαιον dikaion  supposedly an Indian bird mentioned by Aelianus, but the name probably refers to the scarab beetle Scarabaeus; "LES DICÉES. (DICÆUM. Cuv.) (3).  Ne grimpent pas non plus, et n'ont pas la queue usée; leur bec aigu, arqué, pas plus long que la tête, est déprimé et élargi à sa base. Ils viennent des Indes-Orientales, sont fort petits, et portent généralement de l'écarlate dans leur plumage.   ...   (3) DICÆUM, nom d'un très-petit oiseau des Indes selon Ælien. A ce sous-genre appartiennent certh. erythronotos, Vieill. II, 35. Le C. cruentata, Edw. 81, en est probablement une variété d'âge.  —  C. rubra, Vieill. pl. 54.  —  C. erythropygia, Lath. 2e Supp.  —  C. tæniata, Sonn. IIe Voy. pl. 107, fig. 3.  —  C. cantillans, id. ib. 2." (Cuvier 1817); "Dicaeum Cuvier, 1817, Règne Animal., 1, p. 410. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, ed. 1, p. 13), Certhia erythronotum Gmelin = Certhia erythronotos Latham = Certhia cruentata Linnaeus." (Salomonsen in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 174).
Var. DiceaumDiceum, Dicoeum, Decaeum.
Synon. Austrodicaeum, Bournsia, Chilociris, Chromatociris, Cryptociris, Microchelidon, Myzanthe, Pachyglossa, Phenacistes, Polisornis, Psarisoma.

Gr. τριγωνος trigōnos  triangular  < τριγωνον trigōnon  triangle  < τρι- tri-  three-  < τρεις treis, τρια tria  three; γωνια gōnia  angle; στιγμα stigma, στιγματος stigmatos  mark  < στιζω stizō  to tattoo.
● ex “Grimpereau sifleur de la Chine” of Sonnerat 1782 (Dicaeum).


Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (rubropygium)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma rubropygium
rubropygia / rubropygialis / rubropygium / rubropygius
L. ruber, rubra  red; Gr. -πυγιος -pugios  -rumped  < πυγη pugē  rump.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (trigonostigma)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma trigonostigma
Gr. τριγωνος trigōnos  triangular  < τριγωνον trigōnon  triangle  < τρι- tri-  three-  < τρεις treis, τρια tria  three; γωνια gōnia  angle; στιγμα stigma, στιγματος stigmatos  mark  < στιζω stizō  to tattoo.
● ex “Grimpereau sifleur de la Chine” of Sonnerat 1782 (Dicaeum).

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (melanostigma)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma melanostigma
Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; στιγμα stigma, στιγματος stigmatos  spot, mark  < στιζω stizō  to tattoo.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (antioproctum)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma antioproctum
Gr. αντιος antios  opposite, contrary; πρωκτος prōktos  rump.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (megastoma)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma megastoma
megastoma / megastome
Gr. μεγα mega  much  < μεγας megas, μεγαλη megalē  great; στομα stoma, στοματος stomatos  mouth.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (flaviclunis)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma flaviclunis
L. flavus golden-yellow; clunis buttock, haunch.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (dayakanum)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma dayakanum
dayak / dayakana / dayakanum / dayakorum
Dayak or Dyak, a martial people of Borneo, formerly feared as head-hunters.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (xanthopygium)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma xanthopygium
xanthopygia / xanthopygium / xanthopygius
Gr. ξανθος xanthos  yellow; -πυγιος -pugios  -rumped  < πυγη pugē  rump.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (intermedium)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma intermedium
intermedea / intermedia / intermedianus / intermedium / intermedius
L. intermedius  intermediate, that is between (cf. Late L. intermedium  intervention, between two others; Med. L. intermedium  interval).  These epithets are common in ornithology, highlighting forms considered to have intermediate plumage, size, distribution, etc.; only a few are shown below.
• “Genus Ardea.   ...   A. intermedia.  ...  Habitat in insula Java.  Simillima habitu ac colore Ardeae flavirostri, eadem dimidio fere minor.” (Wagler 1829) (Ardea).
• "73.  Coracina papuensis papuensis Gm.   ...   The birds from the Snow Mts. are exactly intermediate between C. p. papuensis from N. W. New Guinea and C. p. meekiana from S. E. New Guinea; so I propose to call the race found on the south side of the Central Range.   Coracina papuensis intermedia subsp. nov." (Rothschild 1931) (subsp. Coracina papuensis).
• "Ce tinamou présente, comme nous l'avons dit, des caractères de transition entre Calopezus elegans et Calopezus formosus.  Cette nouvelle espèce, ou peut-être race intermédiaire, qui paraît localisée dans les régions montagneuses du Nord-ouest de la République Argentine, nous la distinguerons avec le nom de:  Calopezus intermedius n. sp.   ...   Il est possible que Calopezus intermedius et Calopezus formosus représentent seulement des formes géographiques de Calopezus elegans" (Dabbene & Lillo 1913) ( subsp. Eudromia elegans).
• "Formicivora   ...   F. grisea  ...  Kommt in Brasilien, Cayenne und Guiana vor.   ...   F. rufatra  ...  Vaterland: Brasilien und Bolivien.   ...   F. intermedia.  ...  Vaterland: Columbien" (Cabanis 1847) (Formicivora).
• "Falco pondicerianus apud Horsfield is a race intermediate to Haliastur indus of India proper and H. leucosternum of Australia, having dark central streaks to the white portion of the plumage, but considerably less developed than (constantly) in the Indian bird..  ...  Of very many examples of the Indian race examined or beheld close, I certainly have never seen one that had the dark streaks or lines so little developed as in the Javanese bird, or most assuredly I should have remarked it.  To what extent the Indian and Australian races may thus grade into each other, in other intermediate localities, remains to be ascertained.  ...  Mr. Gurney informs me that he thinks the Javanese race should be distinguished by the name intermedius." (Blyth 1865) (subsp. Haliastur indus).
• "Then we have in Tenasserim, most abundant in the hills, but extending in the cold weather to the sea-board and the plains of Pegu, a race of melaschistus, which I will, for convenience sake, denominate VOLVOCIVORA  INTERMEDIA.  It is very close to melaschistus, and as such I originally identified it, but with 24 specimens before me I find that sex being ascertained no specimen of it can be mistaken for a specimen of the corresponding sex of melaschistus, but it is much the same size, and the old males are nearly as possible the same colour as the females of melaschistus.  ...  I am very doubtful whether this should be considered a subspecies or not, but it is a very distinguishable and perfectly constant race, and not one single specimen of true melaschistus has occurred to us throughout the region in which it is so abundant, and it may be best therefore to characterize it by a distinct name." (Hume 1877) (subsp. Lalage melaschistos).
• "5.  SETOPHAGA  INTERMEDIA, Nob.  ...  Espèce typique intermédiaire entre la S. vulnerata et la S. verticalis, Lafresn.  Elle diffère de la première par un bec plus grand et plus large, par la gorge cendrée, par le coloris de la queue, par la couleur de l'abdomen; la S. verticalis, Lafr. est jaune d'œuf en dessous." (Hartlaub 1852) (subsp. Myioborus miniatus).
• "3. CRYPTOLOPHA  INTERMEDIA  La Touche, sp. n.   Near C. tephrocephala (Anders.) and C. affinis (Hodgs.).  Differs from the former in having a much shorter bill, and the secondary coverts distinctly tipped with pale yellow, forming a well-marked bar; from C. affinis it differs in having a ring of feathers round the eye, yellow." (La Touche 1898) (Phylloscopus).
• “728. —  Pipreola viridis intermedia  ...  Forme intermédiaire entre la P. viridis de la Bolivie et la P. melanolæma de l’Ecuador, plus voisine de la dernière.” (Taczanowski 1884) (Pipreola).
• "Ploceus intermedius.  Sehr nahe mit meinem Ploceus larvatus verwandte Art.  Vorderkopf bis über den hintern Augenwinkel, Kehle, Oberhals und Ohrengegend schwarz, Hinterkopf und Nacken röthlich braungelb.  Mitte der Brust orangengelb, Seiten des Halses und Unterkörpers citrongelb.  Rücken gelbgrün, gegen den Schwanz hin citronengelb." (Rüppell 1845) (Ploceus).
• “This species is somewhat intermediate between Palaeornis schisticeps and P. cyanocephala in size and coloration, but is nearer P. schisticeps” (Rothschild 1895) (syn. Psittacula cyanocephala x Psittacula himalayana).
• "RHIPIDURA  INTERMEDIA, sp. nov.  ...  Dr. Sharpe's description of Rhipidura rufifrons in the "Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum," vol. iv., p. 319 (1879), evidently applies to this species, for he describes the tail feathers as being "distinctly tipped with white."  The type of Rhipidura rufifrons characterized by Dr. Latham, was obtained in New South Wales, and has the tips of the tail feathers pale brown, not white.  In the latter respect Rhipidura intermedia agrees with R. torrida, described and figured (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1865, p. 477, pl. xxviii.) by Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, from the island of Ternate, but R. torrida differs from R. intermedia in having the ear-coverts and upper breast black." (North 1902) (subsp. Rhipidura rufifrons).
• "Sp. intermedia n. sp.  ... Der [Sp.] hypoleuca im Schnabel und der ganzen Gestalt äusserst ähnlich, nur etwas kleiner, von dieser durch die nicht weisse, sondern graue Färbung der Kehle und Brust verschieden, mithin fast ganz so gefärbt wie Sp. plumbea, von welcher intermedia sich nur unterscheidet durch den grössern Schnabel und die kürzeren abgerundeteren, daher nicht so zugespitzten Flügel; auch sind Kehle und Brust etwas dunkler als in plumbea und fehlt das weisse Fleckchen an der Wurzel des Unterkiefers; der weisse Spiegel auf dem Flügel ist kleiner und versteckter" (Cabanis 1851) (Sporophila).
• "Thamnistes anabatinus intermedius subsp. nov.  ...  This form, based on but one specimen, is clearly an intermediate between T. æquatorialis of eastern Ecuador and southeastern Colombia, and the quite different T. anabatinus group of Panama to Mexico.  Its crown and back closely agree in color with those of æquatorialis while the underparts are similar to those of T. a. coronatus; the tail and wings externally are intermediate but nearer to those of coronatus." (Chapman 1914) (subsp. Thamnistes anabatinus).
• "33.  Thamnophilus intermedius, sp. nov.   SP. CHAR.—Adult male: Similar to that of T. nigricristatus LAWR., but bill larger, and feathers of crest largely white in middle portion; adult female similar to that of T. doliatus, but with larger bill." (Ridgway 1888) (subsp. Thamnophilus doliatus).
• "ZOSTEROPS  INTERMEDIA.  ...  Very near Z. flava, but a little larger, more yellow on the forehead and less on the upper tail-coverts, and the black subocular streak not extending so far forward  ...  Hab. Macassar and Lombock.   Remark.—Mr. G. R. Gray attached the MS. name of intermedius to my Macassar specimen." (Wallace 1864) (subsp. Zosterops chloris).

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (cnecolaemum)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma cnecolaemum
Gr. κνηκος knēkos  tawny, pale yellow; λαιμος laimos  throat.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (sibuyanicum)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma sibuyanicum
sibuyanica / sibuyanicum
Sibuyan I., Philippines.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (dorsale)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma dorsale
dorsale / dorsalis
L. dorsalis (properly dorsualis)  dorsal, of the back  < dorsum  back.
● ex “Chorlito à dos noir” of de Buffon (Sonnini ed.) 1800-1802 (syn. Calidris melanotos).

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (besti)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma besti
Eponym (Steere 1890, List Bds. Mamm. Steere Exped. Philippines, 22); “a son of Judge Best, of Minneapolis, Minn.” (per Richmond Card Index) (subsp. Dicaeum trigonostigma).

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (cinereigulare)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma cinereigulare
cinereigulare / cinereigularis
L. cinereus  ash-coloured  < cinis, cineris  ashes; Mod. L. gularis  throated  < L. gula  throat.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (pallidius)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma pallidius
L. pallidius, pallidioris  paler  < pallidior, pallidioris  paler  < comp. pallidus  pale  < pallere  to be pale.

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (isidroi)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma isidroi
Dr Antonio Isidro y Santos (1901-1996) Filipino biologist, first President of Mindanao State University (subsp. Dicaeum trigonostigma).

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (assimile)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma assimile
assimile / assimilis
L. assimilis  similar, like.  Indicates a close resemblance or relationship to another, but not necessarily congeneric, species.  Over forty forms have been given this epithet; only some examples follow.
● "4. Collocalia francica assimilis subsp. n.   Rücken und Unterseite etwas heller als bei den beiden vorhergehenden Formen [Collocalia francica towsendi [sic]] und mit der typischen Form übereinstimmend; von dieser ist C. fr. assimilis indessen durch die dunklere Färbung des Oberkopfes und die durchschnittlich geringere Grösse wohl unterschieden." (Stresemann 1912) (subsp. Aerodramus spodiopygius).
● "Tanagra (Arrémon, Vieillot; Embernagra, Lesson) assimilis, Boiss. — Cette espèce est très-voisine par sa coloration de l'Arrémon à collier de Vieillot, ou oiseau silencieux de Buffon [Arremon taciturnus], mais elle est d'un tiers plus forte et n'a pas de collier noir sur la poitrine." (Boissonneau 1840) (Arremon).
● "91. CUCULUS ASSIMILIS.   Allied to C. flavus [= syn. Cacomantis merulinus].  ...  Hab. Aru Islands.  ♀ in Mr. Wallace's Collection." (G. Gray 1858) (syn. Cacomantis variolosus infaustus).
● "Alcyone Assimilis (allied kingfisher).—The specific name which I have applied to this species has reference to the similarity which exists between our A. Pusilla and itself, but the general dulness of color throughout, and the absence of the slightest tinge of green sufficiently distinguish it." (Diggles 1873) (syn. Ceyx pusillus).
● "41. Chlorostilbon assimilis, sp. nov.  ...  This species is somewhat like C. melanorhynchus, Gould, but is smaller; the bill is much shorter and comparatively weaker; the crown is uniform in color with the back, not brilliant as in melanorhynchus, the latter species is also more golden on the abdomen, and has the tail less forked with the feathers narrower." (Lawrence 1861) (Chlorostilbon).
● “CIRCUS ASSIMILIS, (NOBIS).  ...  In general form and colour it closely resembles the females of the true Circi, particularly of our own British species, that of the C. ranivorus of Africa, and of the C. histrionicus.  It is, however, a larger and more powerful bird than any of these.” (Jardine & Selby 1828) (Circus).
● "Genus Picus, L., as restricted to the pied species forming the division Dendrocopus of Swainson.  The Indian species of this group are treated of in XIV, 916, so far as we were then cognisant of them.  We have since learned of two others described from the "Himalaya," viz. P. assimilis, Natterer,—like P. himalayanus (No. 287), but with the scapulary feathers white, and some other distinctions,—and P. scintilla, Lichtenstein" (Blyth 1849) (Dendrocopos).
● "5 GERYGONE ASSIMILIS, Buller. — In form and color this bird is hardly distinguishable from G. flaviventris, although somewhat larger." (Buller 1865) (syn. Gerygone igata).
● "Eriocnemis assimilis.  ...  Elle est très-voisine de l'E. aureliæ. Bourc. et Mulsant, mais elle a les plumes duveteuses des tarses, d'un jaune-brunâtre uni, tandis que celles d'aureliæ sont blanches avec quelques-unes carnées ou roussâtres à la base.  Il y a entre ces deux espèces la même différence qui existe avec l'Eriocnemis lugens et l'E. squamata de Gould, et celles-ci ont généralement été acceptées par les naturalistes comme de bonnes espèces." (Elliot 1876) (Haplophaedia).
● "MUNIA CASTANEOTHORAX ASSIMILIS, subsp. n.   Differs from M. castaneothorax (Gould) in having the chestnut band on the chest much darker in colour, and the upper tail-coverts rich chestnut-brown." (Mathews 1910) (syn. Lonchura castaneothorax).
● "MALURUS ASSIMILIS, sp. nov.  ...  The above-described species belongs to that section of the genus Malurus in which the adult males are distinguished by their chestnut shoulders, and is more closely allied to M. lamberti." (North 1901) (subsp. Malurus lamberti).
● "As the species now exhibited closely assimilates to the M. macroptera, I propose to designate it as  MICRŒCA ASSIMILIS.  ...  Nearly allied to but much less in size than M. macroptera, Vig. and Horsf., and from which it may also be distinguished by the base of the outer tail-feathers being brown." (Gould 1841) (subsp. Microeca fascinans).
● "Myrmotherula assimilis Pelzeln. N. 931. partim.  ...  M. Hauxwellii Sclater persimilis sed cauda longiore rectricibus 12 predita, secundariis et tectricibus caudae superioribus albo haud maculatis, differt" (von Pelzeln 1868) (Myrmotherula).
● "26.  Pachycephala assimilis (J. Verr. et O. des Murs.)  ...  Cette espèce se rapproche beaucoup du Pachycephala falcata [= subsp. P. rufiventris] de Gould, qui provient de la Nouvelle-Hollande; mais, en les comparant, il est impossible de les confondre, ce qui nous a décidés à lui imposer le nom d'assimilis." (J. Verreaux & des Murs 1860) (syn. Pachycephala rufiventris xanthetraea).
● "On a former occasion, (S. F. Vol. I., p. 429, Dec. 1873) I discriminated the Ceylon Phodilus and pointed out clearly wherein it differed from the Himalayan birds.  I did not then name it, because I was under the impression that Malayan specimens differed similarly.  This, however, does not seem to be the case, and having now seen a second Ceylon specimen, presenting the same specific characters as the first, I desire to propose for it provisionally the name of PHODILUS ASSIMILIS." (Hume 1877) (Phodilus).
● "1274.  Meliornis novaehollandiae assimilis subsp. n.   Victorian White-bearded Honey Eater.  Mathews, Handlist No. 799 (pars).  Differs from M. n. novaehollandiae in its darker coloration on the head and with fewer stripes on the belly..  Type: Victoria, No. 9062." (Mathews 1912) (syn. Phylidonyris novaehollandiae campbelli).
● "BROADBENTIA FLAVA.  YELLOW HONEY-EATER.   ...   Collected near Cairns, North Queensland, in July, 1911, and is the type of B. f. assimilis."(Mathews 1925). Perhaps only a lapsus for addenda (syn. Stomiopera flava addenda).
● "Rhynchocyclus assimilis Pelzeln N. 220?  ...  Rh. sulphurescente (Spix.) similis sed minor et rostro breviore, latiore, magis acuminato." (von Pelzeln 1868) (Tolmomyias).
● "TROGON ASSIMILIS.  ...  Nearly allied to Trogon personata, but differing from that species in the tail being nearly black, in the transverse markings being very slight and in the extremities more largely tipped with white; the freckled markings of the wing are also much more minute." (Gould 1846) (subsp. Trogon personatus).

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (sibutuense)
SCI Name: Dicaeum trigonostigma sibutuense
sibutuense / sibutuensis
Sibutu I., Sulu Archipelago, Philippines.