Black-casqued Hornbill

Black-casqued Hornbill / Ceratogymna atrata

Black-casqued Hornbill

Here the details of the Black-casqued Hornbill named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ceratogymna atrata
Protonym:  Buceros atratus Pl.Col. livr.94 pl.558
Taxonomy:  Bucerotiformes / Bucerotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blchor1
Type Locality:  Ashanti.
Publish Year:  1835
IUCN Status:  


(Bucerotidae; Ϯ Yellow-casqued Hornbill C. elata) Gr. κερας keras, κερατος keratos  horn (i.e. hornbill); γυμνος gumnos  naked; "Circumorbital skin, extensive inflatable bare throat, and limp wattles cobalt-blue" (Kemp 1995); "2. CERATOGYMNA, Bp.  —  3. elata, Temm." (Bonaparte 1854); "Ceratogymna Bonaparte, Ateneo Italiano, no. 11, Aug. 1854, p. 312.1  Type, by monotypy, Buceros elatus Temminck.   ...   1 Usually cited from p. 2 of the separately paged reprint "Consp. Vol. Anisodact."" (Peters, 1945, V, p. 269). 
Synon. Sphagolobus.

atrata / atratus
L. atratus  clothed in mourning  < ater  black.
● ex “Black Vulture or Carrion Crow” of Bartram 1791 (Coragyps).
● ex “Black Swan” of Phillip 1789 (Cygnus).
● ex “Black Red-tail” of Latham 1783 (?syn. Phoenicurus ochruros).