Bananal Antbird

Bananal Antbird / Cercomacra ferdinandi

Bananal Antbird

Here the details of the Bananal Antbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cercomacra ferdinandi
Protonym:  Cercomacra ferdinandi Bol.Mus.Nac.RiodeJaneiro 4 p.6 pl.
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thamnophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  banant1
Type Locality:  Furo de Pedra, Ilha do Bananal, Goiaz; Journ. f. Orn., 76, no. 3, 5 July, 1928, p. 586.
Publish Year:  1928
IUCN Status:  


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Rio de Janeiro Antbird C. brasiliana) Gr. κερκος kerkos  tail; μακρος makros  long; "GENUS VI. CERCOMACRA.  Statura major: ptilosis magis unicolor: forma validior: rostrum ad basin dilatatum: cauda longa e rectricibus plerumque decem multum graduatis: acrotarsiis divisis, paratarsiis integris.  These birds form a transition between Formicivora and Pyriglena. I have sometimes been inclined to unite them to the latter; but they differ in their broad flattened bill, which in Pyriglena is compressed throughout.   1. CERCOMACRA CÆRULESCENS.  Myrmothera cærulescens, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. xvii. p. 311.   ...   2. CERCOMACRA CINERASCENS.  Formicivora cærulescens, Sclater, P.Z.S. 1854, p. 112.  Formicivora cinerascens, Sclater, P.Z.S. 1859, p. 131.   ...   3. CERCOMACRA TYRANNINA.  Pyriglena tyrannina, Sclater, P.Z.S. 1855, p. 90. pl. 98. et p. 147.   ...   4. CERCOMACRA NIGRICANS, sp. nov.   ...   5. CERCOMACRA ATROTHORAX.  L'Alapi de Cayenne, Buff. Pl. Enl. 701. fig. 2.  Turdus atrothorax, Bodd. Table d. Pl. Enl.  Turdus alapi, Gm. et auct." (P. Sclater 1858); "Cercomacra Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 26, 1858, p. 244. Type, by subsequent designation, Cercomacra caerulescens Sclater not Myrmothera caerulescens Vieillot = Cercomacra brasiliana Hellmayr (Sclater, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 15, 1890, p. 263)." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 213).
Var. Ceromacra.

● Glen Ferdinand, Musgrave Ranges, South Australia (subsp. Acanthiza chrysorrhoa).
● Ferdinand Maximilian Karl Leopold Maria of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Prince and Tsar of Bulgaria (1861-1948; reigned 1887-1918 (abdicated)) (Cercomacra, subsp. Garrulus glandarius, syn. Sturnus vulgaris).