White-bellied Cuckooshrike

White-bellied Cuckooshrike / Coracina papuensis

White-bellied Cuckooshrike

Here the details of the White-bellied Cuckooshrike named bird below:

SCI Name:  Coracina papuensis
Protonym:  Corvus papuensis Syst.Nat. 1 pt1 p.371
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Campephagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whbcus1
Type Locality:  New Guinea, restricted to Manokwari by Stresemann, 1913, Journ. f. Orn., 61, p. 604.
Publish Year:  1788
IUCN Status:  


(Campephagidae; White-bellied Cuckooshrike C. papuensis) Gr. κορακινος korakinos  little raven  < dim. κοραξ korax, κορακος korakos  raven  <  κρωζω krōzō  to croak; "102. CORACINE, Coracina.  Corvus, Linn. Gm. Lath.  Bec glabre, ou emplumé, ou cilié à la base, épais, rétréci à la pointe, déprimé, anguleux en dessus, courbé vers le bout, entier ou échancré; mandibule inférieure un peu aplatie en dessous.  4 sections.   Esp. Col-nud. — Choucari. — Choucas chauve, Buff.  Céphaloptère, Geoffroy, Annales du muséum." (Vieillot 1816); "Gen. CORACINA Vieill. 1816. *) Raupendohle.   Graucalus Cuv. 1817. — Coronis Glog. 1827.   ...   *) Als Vieillot die Gattung Caracina [sic] begründete, waren von den 4 Typen derselben bereits 3 für andre Gattungen (Gymnoderus, Gymnocephalus [= Perissocephalus] und Cephalopterus Geoffr) vergeben und haben diese die Priorität.  Es bleibt daher für die Gattung Coracina als Typus nur der Choucari (Corvus papuensis), welcher zugleich Typus der späteren Gattung Graucalus Cuv. ist." (Cabanis 1853); "Coracina Vieillot, 1816 (April), Analyse, p. 37.  Type, by subsequent designation, "Choucari" of Buffon = Corvus papuensis Gmelin (Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, [1850-51][= 1853], p. 62)." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 168) (see Graucalus and Ceblepyris).
Var. Caracina, Carocina, Corvina.
Synon. Artamides, Coronis, Gazzola, Graucalus, Kinkus, Paragraucalus, Pteropodocys, Ptiladela, Volvocivora.
(Cotingidae; syn. Cephalopterus  Ornate Umbrellabird C. ornatus) (see above).
(Cotingidae; syn. Gymnoderus Bare-necked Fruitcrow G. foetidus) (see above).
• (Cotingidae; syn. Perissocephalus † Capuchinbird P. tricolor) (see above).
• (Cotingidae; syn. Pyroderus  Red-ruffed Fruitcrow P. scutatus) "SUBFAM. CORACINÆ. Fruit Crows.  ...  South America only.   CORACINA, Vieillot. (fig. 237. a, b)  Front and base of the bill protected by short thick-set feathers.   C. scutata.  Pl. Col. 40." (Swainson 1837); "Coracina "Vieillot" Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 267 (not of Vieillot, 1816).  Type, by monotypy, C. scutata, i.e. Coracias scutata Shaw, 1792." (JAJ 2021).

coracina / coracinus
L. coracinus  raven-black  < Gr. κορακινος korakinos  raven-black  < κοραξ korax, κορακος korakos  raven  < κρωζω krōzō  to croak.
● ex “Grivert de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 616 (syn. Saltator maximus).

papuanus / papuense / papuensis
Papua or New Guinea.
● ex “Petit Lori Papou” of Sonnerat 1776, and “Papouan Lory” of Latham 1781 (syn. Charmosyna papou).
● ex “Choucari de la Nouvelle Guinée” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 630, and “Papuan Crow” of Latham 1781 (Coracina).
● Erroneous TL. New Guinea (= Philippines); ex “Manikor de la Nouvelle Guinée” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 707, fig. 2, “Manikor” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Papuan Manakin” of Latham 1783 (syn. Dicaeum australe).


White-bellied Cuckooshrike (papuensis)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis papuensis
papuanus / papuense / papuensis
Papua or New Guinea.
● ex “Petit Lori Papou” of Sonnerat 1776, and “Papouan Lory” of Latham 1781 (syn. Charmosyna papou).
● ex “Choucari de la Nouvelle Guinée” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 630, and “Papuan Crow” of Latham 1781 (Coracina).
● Erroneous TL. New Guinea (= Philippines); ex “Manikor de la Nouvelle Guinée” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 707, fig. 2, “Manikor” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Papuan Manakin” of Latham 1783 (syn. Dicaeum australe).

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (oriomo)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis oriomo
Oriomo River, Western Division, Papua.

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (angustifrons)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis angustifrons
L. angustus  narrow, small; frons, frontis  forehead, brow.

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (louisiadensis)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis louisiadensis
Louisiade Archipelago, Papua New Guinea.

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (sclaterii)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis sclaterii
sclateriana / sclaterii
Dr Philip Lutley Sclater (1829-1913) English ornithologist (Amalocichla, subsp. Coracina papuensis, Goura, syn. Pternistis afer).

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (perpallida)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis perpallida
perpallida / perpallidus
L. perpallidus  very pale  < per-  very, all; pallidus  pale  < pallere  to be pale.

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (elegans)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis elegans
L. elegans, elegantis  elegant, fine  < elegere probably an early form of eligere   to select.
● ex “Pic jaune tacheté de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 524 (Celeus).
● ex “Bucco maynanensis” of Brisson 1760, “Barbu des Maynas” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 330, “Beau Tamatia” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Beautiful Barbet” of Latham 1782 (syn. Eubucco versicolor).
● ex “Perdix martineta” of de Azara 1802-1805 (Eudromia).
● ex “Tangara de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 114, fig. 1 (syn. Euphonia chlorotica).
● ex “Beautiful Lory” of Latham 1781, ?and “Pennantian Parrot” of Latham 1787 (Platycercus).
● ex “Kink de la Chine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 617 (syn. Sturnia sinensis).

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (eyerdami)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis eyerdami
Walter Jakob Eyerdam (1892-1974) US cooper, gold prospector, conchologist, naturalist, collector in Alaska, Siberia, Haiti, Solomon Is., and Chile (subsp. Coracina papuensis).

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (timorlaoensis)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis timorlaoensis
timorlaoensis / timorlautensis
Timorlaut, Dutch East Indies / Tanimbar Is., Indonesia.

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (hypoleuca)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis hypoleuca
Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; λευκος leukos white (cf. ὑπολευκος hupoleukos whitish).
● ex “Pico triqueño” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 123 (syn. Sporophila leucoptera).
● Gr. ὑπερλευκος huperleukos exceedingly white; “The name hypoleucus was evidently a lapsus for hyperleucus” (Gadow 1883) (Gymnorhina).

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (apsleyi)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis apsleyi
Apsley Strait, Melville I., Northern Territory, Australia.

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (artamoides)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis artamoides
Genus Artamus Vieillot, 1816, woodswallow; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; from its general resemblance to the Black-faced Woodswallow Artamus cinereus; "The only name available for the central east Australian form is wilkinsi Kinnear (Kinnear 1924).  Its apparently grey-headed holotype, a male, was collected in early May when migrating individuals of robusta Latham, or intergrades between it and the central east form, could be expected to visit the type locality, Mt Driven in south Qld just east of St George.  This is borne out by its published measurements: wing 164, tail 128mm (Kinnear l.c.), giving a tail:wing ratio of 0.78.  Accordingly the central east Australian form is re-named and re-typified here.  TYPIFICATION OF NEW TAXA: Coracina papuensis artamoides Schodde & Mason" (Schodde & Mason 1999) (subsp. Coracina papuensis).

White-bellied Cuckooshrike (robusta)
SCI Name: Coracina papuensis robusta
L. robustus  powerful, strong, robust  < robur, roboris  hardwood.