Hook-billed Kite

Hook-billed Kite / Chondrohierax uncinatus

Hook-billed Kite

Here the details of the Hook-billed Kite named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chondrohierax uncinatus
Protonym:  Falco uncinatus Pl.Col. livr.18 pl.103,104
Taxonomy:  Accipitriformes / Accipitridae /
Taxonomy Code:  hobkit
Type Locality:  'Vicinity of Rio to the north of Brazil and all of Guiana.''
Publish Year:  1822
IUCN Status:  


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Hook-billed Kite C. uncinatus) Gr. χονδρος khondros  coarse, gross; ἱεραξ hierax, ἱερακος hierakos  hawk (cf. “Greek χονδρο, khondro, gristle, cartilage ... This single member of the genus lacks a bony shield above the eye” (Holloway 2003)); "Medium-sized kite, with variably large and conspicuously hooked bill, heavy but rounded pigeon-like head, longish wings and tail, and short legs with weak feet. Perches in trees, usually skulking within canopy, but unobtrusive and sluggish rather than shy  ... Wide range of plumages apparently mimics various faster or stronger raptors that are otherwise different in shape or behaviour" (Ferguson-Lees & Christie 2001); "43e Genre: CHONDROHIERAX. Less.  hab. Amériq. tropicale.  —  129. Chondrohierax erythrofrons, Dædalion erythrofrons, Lesson, Echo, no. 45, 11 déc. 1842.  hab. San-Carlos (Centre-Amérique)." (Lesson 1843); "Chondrohierax Lesson, Écho du Monde Savant, (2), 7, 1843, col. 61. Type, by monotypy, Daedalion erythrofrons Lesson = Falco uncinatus Daudin." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 200).
Synon. Regerhinus.

uncinata / uncinatus
L. uncinatus  hooked  < uncus, unci  hook.


Hook-billed Kite (Hook-billed)
SCI Name: Chondrohierax uncinatus uncinatus
uncinata / uncinatus
L. uncinatus  hooked  < uncus, unci  hook.

Hook-billed Kite (Cuban)
SCI Name: Chondrohierax uncinatus wilsonii
wilsonia / wilsoniana / wilsonianus / wilsonii / wilsonius
● Alexander Wilson (1766-1813) Scottish/US pioneer naturalist, father of American ornithology (syn. Aegolius acadicus (ex Strix passerina Wilson, 1811), subsp. Asio otus (ex Strix otus  Wilson, 1811), syn. Buteo platypterus, syn. Calidris minutilla, syn. Cardellina pusilla, syn. Catharus fuscescens, syn. Catharus ustulatus swainsoni, Charadrius, syn. Gallinago delicata (ex Scolopax gallinago A. Wilson, 1812), syn. Hylocichla mustelina, syn. Larus atricilla, syn. Passerculus sandwichensis savanna, syn. Sialia sialis, syn. Sterna hirundinacea) (see wilsoni).
● Dr Thomas Bellerby Wilson (1807-1865) US naturalist, patron of Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, brother of Edward Wilson, Jr. (Chondrohierax, syn. Dryobates nuttallii, syn. Lophorina magnifica, syn. Tangara nigrocincta).
● Edward Wilson, Jr. (1808-1888) British naturalist, trochilidist, High Sheriff of Pembrokeshire 1861, brother of Dr Thomas B. Wilson (syn. Cicinnurus respublica) (see respublica).

Hook-billed Kite (Grenada)
SCI Name: Chondrohierax uncinatus mirus
L. mirus wonderful, extraordinary.