Somali Grosbeak

Somali Grosbeak / Rhynchostruthus louisae

Somali Grosbeak

Here the details of the Somali Grosbeak named bird below:

SCI Name:  Rhynchostruthus louisae
Protonym:  Rhynchostruthus louisae Bull.Br.Orn.Club 6 p. 47
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Fringillidae /
Taxonomy Code:  somgro1
Type Locality:  on trip to Gollis Mountains [= Sheikh, see Phillips, 1898, Ibis, p. 398].
Publish Year:  1897
IUCN Status:  


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Socotra Grosbeak R. socotranus) Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos  bill; στρουθος strouthos  sparrow; "12. RHYNCHOSTRUTHUS SOCOTRANUS, gen. et sp. nov.  (Plate XVII.)   RHYNCHOSTRUTHUS, gen. nov., ex fam. Fringillidarum.  Char. gen.  Rostrum crassum, tumido-rotundatum, culmine distincto, tomiis introrsum rectractis, maxilla curvata, commissura curvata, gonyde conspicue adscendente; naribus in fossa basali positis, setis brevibus incumbentibus obtectis.  Alæ longiusculæ, caudæ dimidium superantes, remigibus 1-3 cæteris longioribus, æqualibus, rem. 4to parum breviore. Cauda mediocris, æqualis. Pedes mediocres, satis debiles; digitus internus externo paulo brevior; ungues debiles.   RHYNCHOSTRUTHUS SOCOTRANUS, sp. nov.  ..  Of this very curious new form of Sparrow four males are in the collection; unfortunately no female. The thick Coccothraustine bill renders it easily distinguishable from all other species of the Passerine group." (P. Sclater & Hartlaub 1881); "Rhynchostruthus P. L. Sclater and Hartlaub, 1881, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 170. Type, by monotypy, Rhynchostruthus socotranus Sclater and Hartlaub." (Rand in Peters 1968, XIV, 233).

Louise Jane Forbes Lort Phillips née Gunnis (1857-1946) wife of big-game hunter E. Lort Phillips (Rhynchostruthus).