Fraser’s Sunbird

Fraser\'s Sunbird / Deleornis fraseri

Fraser's Sunbird

Here the details of the Fraser's Sunbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Deleornis fraseri
Protonym:  Anthreptes fraseri Ill.Orn.n.s. n.s., pt9 pl.52,text dP
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Nectariniidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sctsun2
Type Locality:  with text Fernando Po.
Publish Year:  1843
IUCN Status:  


(Nectariniidae; Ϯ Fraser's Sunbird D. fraseri) Gr. myth. Dele or Delius, a surname of Apollo or Phoebus, son of Jupiter and Latona; Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "Genus Deleornis gen. nov.  Schnabel kraftig, reichlich kopflang, nicht gebogen wie bei Lamprothreptes, sondern gerade und horngrau, am Oberschnabel dunkler, nicht ganz hornschwarz wie bei Lamprothreptes; bei ♂ und ♀ Gefieder olivgrün, unterseits heller als oberseits, ♂ mit orangeroten Brustbüscheln; durch diese, die bedeutendere Große, die Schnabelform und den wie bei Lamprothreptes längeren Schwanz von dem folgenden Genus (Paradeleornis) unterschieden, mit anderen Genera der Nectariniidae schon wegen der an manche Sylviiden (Camaroptera, Macrosphenus) erinnernden Schnabelgestalt nicht zu verwechseln.  Typus, hier bestimmt, Anthreptes fraseri Jardine & Selby, 1842, Illustrations of Ornithology, n. s., pl. 52 (u. Text)" (Wolters 1977); "Deleornis Wolters, 1977, Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, 28 (1-2), p. 88.  Type, by original designation, Anthreptes fraseri Jardine and Selby, 1842." (JAJ 2021).

● Louis Fraser (?1819-?1883) English zoologist, Curator of ZSL Museum 1832-1846, Curator of Knowsley Collection 1848-1851, Vice-Consul to Dahomey 1851-1853, collector in Nigeria 1841-1842, Ecuador 1857, California 1860, and Florida 1883 (syn. Celeus loricatus, Conirostrum, syn. Conirostrum binghami, syn. Cyanomitra obscura, Deleornis, Myiothlypis, Stizorhina, syn. Threnetes ruckeri, syn. Turtur tympanistria).
● Michael Weir Fraser (b. 1957) British ornithologist, conservationist (subsp. Nesospiza acunhae).
● William Thomson Fraser (1841-1880) British diplomat, Vice-Consul at Semarang, Java 1874, Consul in Batavia (= Jakarta), Java 1875, naturalist (syn. Pelargopsis capensis javana).


Fraser's Sunbird (idius)
SCI Name: Deleornis fraseri idius
Gr. ιδιος idios  distinct, peculiar.

Fraser's Sunbird (cameroonensis)
SCI Name: Deleornis fraseri cameroonensis
cameroonensis / camerunensis / camerunensus
Cameroons, West Africa (German Cameroon (= Kamerun) 1884-1919, when divided into French Cameroun and British Cameroons; upon independence in 1961 southern British Cameroons joined with French Cameroun to become a republic (Cameroun), and northern British Cameroons became a part of Nigeria) (Rio dos Camerões, river of prawns, the name given to the River Wouri by the Portuguese explorer Fernão do Póo in 1492).
● Mt. Cameroon, German Cameroon (subsp. Bradypterus lopesi, Pternistis).
● Between Nola and Mbaiki, French Cameroun (= Ubangi Shari) (Vidua).

Fraser's Sunbird (fraseri)
SCI Name: Deleornis fraseri fraseri
● Louis Fraser (?1819-?1883) English zoologist, Curator of ZSL Museum 1832-1846, Curator of Knowsley Collection 1848-1851, Vice-Consul to Dahomey 1851-1853, collector in Nigeria 1841-1842, Ecuador 1857, California 1860, and Florida 1883 (syn. Celeus loricatus, Conirostrum, syn. Conirostrum binghami, syn. Cyanomitra obscura, Deleornis, Myiothlypis, Stizorhina, syn. Threnetes ruckeri, syn. Turtur tympanistria).
● Michael Weir Fraser (b. 1957) British ornithologist, conservationist (subsp. Nesospiza acunhae).
● William Thomson Fraser (1841-1880) British diplomat, Vice-Consul at Semarang, Java 1874, Consul in Batavia (= Jakarta), Java 1875, naturalist (syn. Pelargopsis capensis javana).