Red-mantled Rosefinch

Red-mantled Rosefinch / Carpodacus rhodochlamys

Red-mantled Rosefinch

Here the details of the Red-mantled Rosefinch named bird below:

SCI Name:  Carpodacus rhodochlamys
Protonym:  Pyrrhula (Corythus) rhodochlamys Bull.Cl.Phys.-Math.Acad.Imp.Sci.St.Petersb. no.1 col.363
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Fringillidae /
Taxonomy Code:  remros1
Type Locality:  Siberia ; probably Tarbagatai, fide Korovin, 1934, Bull. Univ. Asie Centrale, Tashkent, 19, p. 68.
Publish Year:  1843
IUCN Status:  


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Pallas's Rosefinch C. roseus) Gr. καρπος karpos  fruit; δακος dakos  biter  < δακνω daknō  to bite; "6. Pyrrhula rosea, longicauda, erythrina.   ...   6. Karminfink. Carpodacus *).   E[ntwickelung]. Wie bei Coccothraustes, Chloreus und Pyrrhula.   Ch[arakter]. Hänflinge mit dickem, gewölbtem Schnabel.   L[ebensart]. Sie leben nur von Beeren und Samereien, und haben wenig natürlichen Gesang.   ...   *) Von καρπος, Frucht und δακνω, beißen." (Kaup 1829); "Carpodacus Kaup, 1829, Skizz. Entw. Nat. Syst., 1, p. 161. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1842, List Genera Birds, ed. 2, appen., p. 11), Fringilla rosea Pallas." (Paynter in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 267).   
Var. CarpodagusCardopagus.   
Synon. Chaunoproctus, Erythrina, Erythrothorax, Haematospiza, Kozlowia, Papa, Phoenicospiza, Propasser, Propyrrhula, Pyrrhospiza, Pyrrhulinota, Rubicilla, Uragus.

Gr. ῥοδον  rhodon  rose; χλαμυς khlamus, χλαμυδος khlamudos  cloak, mantle.


Red-mantled Rosefinch (rhodochlamys)
SCI Name: Carpodacus rhodochlamys rhodochlamys
Gr. ῥοδον  rhodon  rose; χλαμυς khlamus, χλαμυδος khlamudos  cloak, mantle.

Red-mantled Rosefinch (kotschubeii)
SCI Name: Carpodacus rhodochlamys kotschubeii
G. S. Kotschubei (fl. 1900) Russian zoologist (syn. Carpodacus grandis, subsp. Carpodacus rhodochlamys).