Dalat Shrike-Babbler

Dalat Shrike-Babbler / Pteruthius annamensis

Dalat Shrike-Babbler

Here the details of the Dalat Shrike-Babbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pteruthius annamensis
Protonym:  Pterythius aeralatus annamensis Ibis (11) 1 (4) p. 589-590
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Vireonidae /
Taxonomy Code:  dalshb1
Type Locality:  Lang Bian Peaks, southern Annam.
Publish Year:  1919
IUCN Status:  


(Vireonidae; Ϯ White-browed Shrike-babbler P. aeralatus validirostris) Gr. πτερον pteron  wing; ερυθαινω eruthainō  to dye red  < ερυθραινω eruthrainō  to paint red  < ερυθρος eruthros  red; "26. Genus, PTERUTHIUS*.   ...   Bill short, compressed, thick; the tip shrike-like, hooked and deeply notched; culmen considerably arched; gonys ascending.  Nostrils basal, the aperture ovate or round.  Rictus slightly bristled, wide.  Wings very short, rounded.  Tail short, broad, rounded; the tips very obtuse.  Tarsi smooth, pale.   Type.—Lanius erythropterus, GOULD'S Century.  Nepaul.   ...   *Th. πτερον ala, et ερυθιαω sum ruber." (Swainson 1832); "Pteruthius Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., 2 (1831), p. 491. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Lanius erythropterus Gould, i.e., Vigors = Pteruthius flaviscapis validirostris Koelz." (Deignan in Peters 1964, X, 385). This genus was traditionally placed in the Timaliidae, hence the substantive name.
Var. PterutiusPterythrius, Ptererythrius.
Synon. Aenopogon, Allotrius, Hilarocichla.

annamense / annamensis
Annam Protectorate, French Indochina (= central Vietnam).