Streaky-headed Seedeater

Streaky-headed Seedeater / Crithagra gularis

Streaky-headed Seedeater

Here the details of the Streaky-headed Seedeater named bird below:

SCI Name:  Crithagra gularis
Protonym:  Linaria gularis Rep.Exped.Centr.Afr. p.49
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Fringillidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sthsee2
Type Locality:  'Inhabits the colony [i.e. Cape Colony] and country as far as Latakoo.'' Restricted to Latakoo, near Kuruman, Bechuanaland (i.e. northern Cape Province), by W. L. Sclater and Mackworth-Praed, 1918, Ibis, p. 468. Subsequent restriction to Grahamstown, eastern Cape Province, by Clancey, 1966, Durban Mus. Novit., 7, p. 611, is not accepted.
Publish Year:  1836
IUCN Status:  


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Brimstone Canary C. sulphurata) Gr. κριθη krithē  barley; αγρα agra  hunting  < αγρεω agreō  to hunt; "CRITHAGRA.  Rostrum breve, sub-conicum, crassum, integrum; culmine arcuato; tomio curvato.  Alæ subelongatæ; remigibus 1ma, 2da, 3tia, et 4ta æqualibus, longissimis.  Cauda mediocris, subfurcata. ...  Types. Lox. sulphurata, flaviventris. Lath.  Africa only?" (Swainson 1827); "Crithagra Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, p. 348. Type, by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1888, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 12, p. 348), Loxia sulphurata Linnaeus." (Rand in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 208).
Var. ChrithagraGrithagra.
Synon. Bolbospiza, Buserinus, Dendrospiza, Lormarinsia, Menellia, Microserinus, Neospiza, Ochrospiza, Phaeospiza, Poliospiza, Psammospiza, Pseudochloroptila, Serinops, Spodiospina, Tephrospiza.

gulare / gularis
Mod. L. gularis  of the throat, -throated, gular  < L. gula  throat.
● ex “Coucou Vulgaire d’Afrique” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 200 (Cuculus).
● ex “Gobe-mouche à gorge blanche” of Quoy & Gaimard 1830 (syn. Eopsaltria griseogularis).
ex “Petit Rolle Violet à Gorge Bleue” of Levaillant 1806 (Eurystomus).
● ex “Cardinal d’Amérique” of Brisson 1760 (Paroaria).
● ex “Colombi-Caille” of Levaillant 1810, pl. 283, and Columba hottentotta Temminck, 1813 (artefact).


Streaky-headed Seedeater (benguellensis)
SCI Name: Crithagra gularis benguellensis
benguelae / benguelensis / benguellensis
Benguella (= Benguela), Angola.

Streaky-headed Seedeater (mendosa)
SCI Name: Crithagra gularis mendosa
mendosa / mendosus
L. mendosus  faulty, blemished  < mendum  fault.

Streaky-headed Seedeater (gularis)
SCI Name: Crithagra gularis gularis
gulare / gularis
Mod. L. gularis  of the throat, -throated, gular  < L. gula  throat.
● ex “Coucou Vulgaire d’Afrique” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 200 (Cuculus).
● ex “Gobe-mouche à gorge blanche” of Quoy & Gaimard 1830 (syn. Eopsaltria griseogularis).
ex “Petit Rolle Violet à Gorge Bleue” of Levaillant 1806 (Eurystomus).
● ex “Cardinal d’Amérique” of Brisson 1760 (Paroaria).
● ex “Colombi-Caille” of Levaillant 1810, pl. 283, and Columba hottentotta Temminck, 1813 (artefact).

Streaky-headed Seedeater (endemion)
SCI Name: Crithagra gularis endemion
Gr. ενδημιος endēmios  native, dwelling in a place, endemic  < εν en  in, of; δημιος dēmios  of the people  < δημος dēmos  country, land, inhabitants.

Streaky-headed Seedeater (humilis)
SCI Name: Crithagra gularis humilis
L. humilis  lowly, small, humble, on the ground, of the plain  < humus, humi  ground.